Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007. En

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.

Doctor Brian Weiss.Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light.

This article has been retrieved from the internet. It shows mistakes and gaps which in some places makes its understanding and translation difficult. We apologize.

Brian Weiss.

Many Lives, Many Masters.Dr. Brian Weiss’s discovery of regression therapy, chronicled in his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, forever changed the face of his psychotherapy practice as well as the lives of his clients and readers. He’s a best-selling author, has written eight books, lectures internationally, is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, continues to see clients in his Miami office and is the foremost authority in the nation on past life regression therapy. His work helps people achieve breakthroughs in their healing, spiritual and life journeys. His most recent book, Same Soul, Many Bodies, talks about life lessons, explains «progression therapy», its benefits and how it helped many of his clients.

New Visions Magazine. A conversation with Brian Weiss.

This interview.

This is the complete one hour interview I did with Brian Weiss. An excerpt of this interview appeared in the September/October 2007 issue of New Visions Magazine.

Dawn: –In order to heal a particular issue or condition, does it matter if we regress or progress into a previous or future life that we actually lived or will live? Could it still be beneficial to travel to someone else’s past or future life and still heal ourselves through this method?–

Brian: –It seems to be somewhat specific. When you have a symptom in a current life, it seems to have its roots in a past life and by remembering that past life or the incident that started the symptoms, there’s a clearing affect. This is similar to traditional psychotherapy when people remember traumatic or significant events from childhood or adolescence. The memory itself has a clearing affect on the symptoms and it seems like past life therapy is very similar to traditional therapy in that regard: that by remembering the causes, the symptom in the present time disappears. It also seems that the past life memories are perhaps more important in this than future memories and that’s a complicated subject in itself, the future, because there are multiple, possible futures and going into the future, which modern physics also describes now as a possibility, it seems to help people more with decisions than with symptoms. So, I would say that past life regression is a little bit more specific for curing symptoms and healing illnesses.–

Dawn: –Do you feel past life regression and future life progression are essential to the complete healing of problems and challenges in this life?–

Brian: –Not necessarily essential, for some people more than others, but certainly if somebody has blocks or obstacles to their inner peace or joy or they’re stuck in grief or they’re having symptoms or illnesses coming from other lifetimes, then certainly the resolution of those symptoms or illnesses, or the understanding that regressions or progressions can provide, is very useful and can be very helpful but it is not essential for everybody. Certainly we all have curiosity about what happens after we die, about life after death, are we being reunited with loved ones. But it’s not essential. I think that it’s helpful for everyone to have that enlarged perspective and some people who may not realize how helpful it could be, who think they’re coming to have their regression, perhaps for curiosity reasons, find out that it’s much more important than that. So while it’s important, and often very helpful, it’s not always required or essential.–

Dawn: –What do you think of other healing methods? Are there any that compliment yours?–

Brian: –I certainly use other healing methods in my work. I’m a physician, a psychiatrist and so I will still use traditional psychotherapy, when that is indicated. Sometimes along with regression therapy I’ll use medications if someone has what I see as a significant biological illness. But I use them in smaller amounts and for shorter periods of time because I just use them as an aid to help understanding so that these other therapies are more useful. Because, if someone, for example, is severely depressed they really have difficulty having a regression because the depression gets in the way. So if we can relieve the depression it allows the regression work to be much more affective. There are many other healing techniques: energy work, bio-energetics, that are also quite useful. So this is just one of many healing therapies.–

Dawn: –How has your discovery of progression therapy changed your view of life and the choices you make?–

Body Mind Spirit Expo.Brian: –I’m talking about progression therapy but actually at the workshop in Philadelphia [at the Mind Body Spirit Expo] we’re going to be focusing more on regression therapy. We may do one progression also just to demonstrate what that’s like, but into the far future, not into the present life of any of the attendants. So they don’t have to be concerned about that. I find that going into the future, and again, this is entirely possible, if you look at modern physics, particularly String Theory, a subset of quantum physics, which postulates multiple dimensions and an infinity of universes. So when we’re going into the future, whatever that may mean for people, I do it mostly to help people make decisions. For example, I use visualization a lot in my work, and if people, in this deeper state of relaxation, can visualize possible futures and then pay attention to their feelings and what they’re observing and their experiences while they are doing this, it’s very helpful. For example, if you have a very important decision to make about taking a job in Los Angeles or not, you can look at that future where you do take the job in Los Angeles and compare it to the future if you stay in Philadelphia or if you take a separate job, perhaps, in Atlanta. And perhaps you have certain feelings or thoughts, or insights or sometimes just revelations about which one might be best for you. And that’s not just fantasy. There’s much more to it than that because it turns out that people are making better decisions. Or, for example, if you went into a future lifetime and you saw the consequences of your actions from this lifetime as it has been played out in the future, what you can call karma, projecting forward then you can change your behavior in this life to kind of achieve a better or more pleasant future for yourself. Then again, in the workshop in Philadelphia, during the conference, I’ll be doing mostly past life work.–

Dawn: –One of the things you touched on was about multiple dimensions going on simultaneously. That was talked about in Neale Donald Walsch’s book Home with God, in a Life that Never Ends. Might be a benefit to talking to people who are in those parallel universes and seeing parallel lives?–

Brian: –Well, I think there may be, but it’s interesting because most of my work now as a physician it’s so much focused on helping people with symptoms, with illnesses, with physical symptoms, with emotional symptoms, psychological issues as well as helping people with grief so they understand about death and what death is and what it’s not and just feeling a sense of their own eternity or immortality. This is very important and I put that ahead even of experiencing parallel dimensions or the infinity of universes. Those are kind of peak experiences and I think they’re very important when people experience those but they’re much more rare. Incidentally, I was just talking to Neale in Chicago at a conference on Saturday night and we were talking about these very things you’re asking me now. That’s just a small coincidence.–

Dawn: –How would you explain déjà vu? Do you think it’s a view of something we also did in a parallel life or a dream we had that came true or from looking into this life (when the déjà vu happens) from an earlier time or life?–

Brian: –Déjà vu is that feeling of familiarity, as if you’ve been in a place before or met a person before. Most people have experienced that. You could be traveling in Prague and it feels so familiar to you. That can be from a dream, it can be from a similar situation you’ve been in in the present life or it can be also from a past life where you actually have been in that geographical place or you have met that particular person who might be a soul companion or a soul mate or something like that. So sometimes it does come from a past life and I’ve had instances with a person visiting a European city for the first time and they know their way around, it just seems so familiar. They know where the old church used to be, except that it hasn’t been there for the past 150 years. And where the secret room was in the church and what happened in there. So those are kinds of déjà vus that come from past life memories. But it can also come from childhood or from other circumstances so it takes a little bit of investigation to track down the origin of the déjà vu.–

Dawn: –Do you think some souls continue to play the part (role) of a certain lifetime after they have died (like Mother Mary and other masters) and continue in that role, appearing to their followers or devoted ones?–

Brian: –I think that this earth is a very complex place. It’s a physical dimension but there are many, many other dimensions and other levels. And then souls, or spirits, are the eternal part of all of us, but that we’re all connected and that there are many illusions about separateness and individuality, even though it’s a very strong illusion. And so, when people die, that is, they leave their physical body, because there is no death to the soul. They move on to other dimensions and other levels of consciousness and there we experience souls of very different vibrations and they vary quite a lot. So, for example, a very advanced soul can come back to the physical dimension, can take on another physical body, can do this voluntarily. It’s what the eastern people call «Bodhisattva energy». But it’s not only an eastern concept. It’s in all the western religions and their mystical traditions also and can manifest in that manner or can appear in a different form: a spiritual form, an energy form, in many different ways. Everything is really energy and so when these things happen it can represent several different phenomena. Whether it’s Bodhisattva energy or a master or a guide or a spiritual being, manifesting for some reason to give information, to give a message. What we call grace is really this kind of spiritual intervention: in order to help or prevent danger or something like that. So, I think these things are not rare, they happen a lot. Now, the form in which the spiritual being manifests itself can be in a form that’s familiar to the person so they feel safer or they’re more apt to listen to it or they’re not frightened and certainly it’s within the realm of the powers or abilities of spiritual beings to take on any form they would like in order to manifest to the person in physical form.–

Dawn: –Do some souls help other souls to move on to higher levels of evolution or consciousness after they leave their bodies? Kind of like a guide?–

Same Soul, Many Bodies.Brian: –This happens all the time. It’s really set up for this. We’re all progressing along the same spiritual pathway. We’re all going to graduate eventually and so no one truly graduates until everybody does. We’re all connected. All souls really are connected. And even the title of my last book, Same Soul, Many Bodies, that’s a quote from the Roman philosopher Plotinus, who said there is one and the same soul in every body. It has a double meaning. One, that the souls that are reincarnating from past lives to present life and into future lives. This same soul is going into many bodies. But it has a deeper meaning in that, maybe there’s one soul, since we’re all connected, kind of an over-soul or a grand-soul and we’re all emanations of that over-soul. So, we are connected in this sense and we have to help each other out. Whether in physical bodies or outside, past, beyond the physical body, there’s still learning, there’s still evolution, there’s still growth to the higher dimensions and that’s the direction that we’re all headed in.–

Dawn: –Do you think things are working properly with our lives on this planet?–

Brian: –I think they are, overall, even though it may not seem that way, because it’s an interesting planet, this one. This is a very difficult dimension. It has physicality here so we have illness, disease, loss, death, grief, but it also is a place where there can be great joy, love, compassion and a chance to progress more rapidly along our spiritual path, many opportunities for growth here. So, even though it may not look that way, it may look that we’re lost because of the wars and violence and confusion that go on here all the time, the way people treat other people and treat the planet. I think actually we are progressing in the right direction and it’s just that it’s a school. So in school there are tests, people have free will to interrupt, to decide to repeat a grade, to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes. You have to see it from the bigger perspective of there’s really no death, because we’re all spiritual beings. There really is no birth. We exist before birth into the physical body. We will exist after our death. If you see it from that perspective, we’re really not so lost as it appears when we pick up the paper every morning or turn on the news and things seem so bad on this planet. There’s really an evolutionary path that we’re all on and that’s going not so badly.–

Dawn: –Do you think people learn between lives to help them in their next or subsequent lives?–

Brian: –Yes, we’re always learning. Just because we leave a physical body doesn’t mean that we’re not still progressing and learning on the other side. In fact, that’s what we do. We’re learning on the other side too. Then we come back here, into physical state, into bodies, to see if we’ve learned our lessons. It’s also important to learn the lessons at a deeper level, at a heart level and not just in the head or in the mind. For example, if you’re a compassionate person because you know that spiritual beings, which is the true nature of all of us, are inherently compassionate. That’s the correct reason, not because you are punished for being violent in the 14th century. That’s too much of an intellectual reason. This is a school, and we’re always being tested here, but we’re learning on the other side as well as this side.–

Dawn: –Have you experienced anyone having memories of learning in between lives?–

Brian: –Yes, this happens a lot. The work that I do, I put people into deeper levels. Which is very safe, people have seen so many examples of hypnosis in the movies or on television that are not accurate. The truth is, you’re always in control, you can open your eyes at any time and so on and you never do anything against your will. It’s very, very safe. In these deep states people can experience after-death events or experiences also. So there are a lot of people who have studied this particular state called, the «In Between Lifetimes» state, or the Bardo state, it has other names as well, and we keep learning there, too. People describe what goes on in those states. Sometimes the descriptions are limited by the words or concepts or minds of the people, or colored by those factors. But a consensus emerges that learning keeps happening on the other side as well. But we don’t have the limitations of the physical body or the brain when we’re on the other side so learning can happen at an accelerated rate.–

Dawn: –What do you think of ghosts?–

Brian:Well, there are lots of different meanings that that word has to people. As it’s used mostly here, ghosts are souls or spirits or consciousness that have left the physical body that my not realized that they’re dead, physically, and so they may be hanging around here until they become aware that they may have progress to make on the other side and then they move on to the light, to the life review to all of these stages that many of the researchers, who look at after death experiences, describe. But sometimes ghosts, in the popular sense of the word, may be earthbound spirits who haven’t moved on yet, to the light and beyond to continue their learning, and to choose their next incarnation, but some people use the world ghost to mean spirits, that is, you can be having a visit from a spiritual guide or a mentor or master and call that a ghost, even though that’s not a very good name for it, because ghost has too many other meanings as well. So I use it in the narrow sense of spirits that are still hanging around the earth because they still many not realize that they’re dead.–

Dawn: –Have you ever been able to help any of them move on and realize they were dead?–

Brian: –Well, you talk to the person in that state, in that deep state and you describe the process: of the life review, and why we’re here, and why they came to this school in the first place, the lesson plan, the spiritual path that they chose to work on, the qualities that they chose to learn whether it’s compassion or non-violence or love or patience or these kinds of lessons that we all know about. Then we talk about the light and what happens at the light, the spiritual presence of the light renewing factor of the light and they move on. It’s very easy to do that.–

Dawn: –You say that our ultimate goal is immortality. What does that mean to you? Does it mean the same thing for everyone?–

Brian: –I think I would reword that a little bit now, that the ultimate goal is to understand about our immortality. We already are immortal, we already have it. What that means is that the body is not immortal; it’s the spiritual essence, the soul, the spirit, the consciousness, whatever you want to call it. That’s the immortal part of us. It’s almost like a car and a driver. We sometimes identify ourselves as the car, but we’re not, we’re really the driver. So when the car wears out we leave and we get another car. So, that’s what I mean by realizing that we’re immortal beings, that we’re spiritual entities. And that spiritual beings, and we all are, have certain qualities: love, compassion, non-violence, patience, understanding, non-prejudice, these kinds of qualities. And we have to understand that that’s who we are and that’s why we’re here, to learn. And that’s how we reach higher dimensions. So, we have to not think of ourselves as physical bodies, it’s an illusion, it’s a temporary state. We have to think of ourselves as immortal beings and that’s more accurate.–

Dawn: –With the discoveries of regression and progression therapy, how did it affect your personal life experience? Did you feel more contentment or peace with regards to the future?–

Brian: –Absolutely. This has helped me enormously. Now I’ve had the benefit of doing regression therapy and progression therapy for the past 27 years, since Catherine, the woman in Many Lives, Many Masters first came into my office. That’s a long time and I’ve done this work with more than 4000 patients in my office and hundreds of thousands more in groups from all over the world. Such as the group we’ll be doing in Philadelphia at the Mind Body Spirit Expo, we’re going to be doing regressions in the group: group regressions. And then people will mail me or email me with their experiences. So it’s helped me enormously, to my values, my practices, like I do meditation now and little things that used to bother me don’t bother me so much. My values have shifted so it’s been a tremendous benefit for me, to watch these regressions every day, to participate, to meet great people from all over the world, to travel all over the world and meet these people and have experiences, it’s helped me enormously. I’m very grateful for that opportunity.–

Dawn: –How do you feel about the future of the planet and the human race?–

Brian: –Well, I write about that in the last book. I was doing some sort of research, not the greatest research, it was handing out questionnaires, having people fill them out after we had done group progressions into the future. I did this with individuals too, but most of the work with groups, and we would look at three time periods: 100 to 200 years in the future, 500 years in the future, and 1000 years in the future. I write about the consensus, the correlations that people going into the future, while they’re in the deeply relaxed state, what they describe is tremendous correlation, particularly in the far future. And we’re all here. It’s not the end of the world. Some bad things happen, some good things happen. I write about that a lot in the new book. [Same Soul, Many Bodies]–

Dawn: –Do you think humans can really destroy the planet or is it more a matter of us making the planet uninhabitable for ourselves, but the planet will live on?–

Brian: –Well, my own thinking is that humans cannot destroy the planet. Now technology may grow enormously in the next millennia or more so it may become possible. But currently, I think the danger is not to the planet, it’s to the inhabitants of the planet. So we can make it unbearable or uninhabitable, but the earth will survive and I suppose the plants will too, they’re very resilient. We just have to worry about the people and the animals and this is our school, so we have to take care of it. It’s a beautiful school with great things to teach us, a great place to learn and we really should be very careful about how we treat the planet. But I’m not worried about the planet; I’m worried about the inhabitants.–

Dawn: –I’m right there with you! Are there other purposes or benefits to regression and progression therapies?–

Brian: –I think we’ve covered that, healing physical and emotional…–

Dawn: –Well, what about if someone want to use it find someone who’s missing or wanted to find out the fate of someone they lost touch with but will eventually find again?–

Brian: –There we’re talking a little bit about relationships. The concepts of soul mates or soul companions or people with whom, and we have many more than one and it’s not always romantic, there are people whom you’ve been with before and you will be with again. Clearly you can find them in past lives, you can understand the determinates of your relationship in this life because of what you’ve done in past lives. Relationships change: your grandmother may come back as your grandson or as a niece or something like that. Relationships change but the souls are the same. If you look into the future you can see when you’ll be together again and how your actions in the present life are sort of determining your relationship in the future life.–

Dawn: –But what if it was that a child had been lost somewhere and they look forward into their own future life when that child eventually comes back and they say, «Oh, well I was here when I was missing», and then in the present they can go and look there and find the child there. (I meant if someone had run away, not died.)–

Brian: –Yes, I’ve had a lot of cases similar or with variations on that. For example a baby that dies, you often find the relationship from a past life in what’s going on and you recognize the soul of the baby, but it’s in a different body, not the baby’s body, but it’s a past life relationship. Maybe they lived to be 95 in that life but they die as a baby in this life, for whatever reasons. It’s not necessarily punishment, by the way, it’s always for learning. I’ve had cases in the current life, not even going into a future life, where a child has died and subsequently the same soul has come back as another child to the same parents. The second child then is talking about experiences that the first child had, in the first person. We’ve seen that quite often. The same goes sometimes for miscarriages. Perhaps the physical body is not going to be strong enough for the purposes of that soul so there’s kind of an agreement made with the mother, miscarriage happens and then the soul comes back subsequently in a stronger physical body. Same lifetime. Or you can look into the future and see where that soul may be coming back again. But the future, remember, it’s more vague because there’s an infinity of futures. There are probable futures and possible futures. It’s almost like a statistical spectrum. So your decisions are always changing the future so what you foresee in that way may not be the future that’s coming to pass. But certainly the other examples, that’s more definitive and you can see the return of the same soul. The present lifetime, for example, is the future lifetime from one of your past lives and here you are together with many of the same souls, the same people again. So it’s not difficult to project into a future lifetime that you’re still going to be interacting. You can almost predict what that’s going to be like based on your behavior in relationships in the current life. So the best thing to do is to practice healthy relationships and those are relationships that are filled with understanding, patience, compassion, love and empathy. And if you do that you’re going to have future lives with better relationships in them.–

Dawn: –In Same Soul, Many Bodies your patient, Victoria, continued to have back pain in this life despite the fact that it had been healed in a previous life. Why did she have to experience the pain again, shouldn’t it have been healed forever from the healing in a previous life?–

Brian: –It’s hard to know the purposes of the soul in that way. Sometimes you do and sometimes the reasons don’t become clear until later. But in this lifetime that certainly was a major factor, in a huge spiritual growth spurt, as it were, for her. I don’t know why symptoms are carried over. Even though she was healed in that life, it came into this life too, but it caused her, in a sense, to wind up in that workshop at the Omega Institute where she regressed to that past life with very profound and intense spiritual experiences that have shaped her life ever since. I don’t know the spiritual purpose in why that symptom was chosen to recur in this life but it certainly was important in her spiritual evolution in her current life.–

Dawn: –Same Soul, Many Bodies is a masterful work of using examples from your patients’ past and future lives to teach life lessons, like compassion, relationships, meditation, spirituality and love. What inspired you to put the book into this form and bring it beyond a reporting of past and future lives which are interesting on their own?–

Brian: –I think I’m always writing at different levels and some of it’s for me too. I love to share the stories of my patients because they’re so fascinating that people have these experiences, whether they were individually or in a group. Victoria was actually in a group and then we did an individual session later on. I write about the larger purpose because it’s not just about healing symptoms and it’s not only about past lives and future lives. It’s also about spiritual energy and the purpose of life and why we’re here. These I think are questions that people have been wondering about, asking about, speculating about for millennia and anything that I can do to contribute to the spiritual growth of people or to understanding or to helping them out, I’m going to write about, especially if this is coming from my patients because that’s part of the case, it’s not just their memories of past lives, but if they’re remembering future lives or in-between lifetimes or spiritual dimensions. I think all of these elements are very important and I never know what the reader is going to relate to. It can be one thing in one case that I felt, «Well, maybe this isn’t so important, but I’m going to put it in anyway because it happened», and then somebody will connect just to that point and it will help them. So again, it’s kind of the same answer as Victoria’s back pain: I don’t know exactly the reason at the time why this may be important to one person and not so important to another so I just put it all out there because I want people to have the most opportunity possible to connect with a particular piece of information or a reflection. Maybe it will be something they had dreamt about or were contemplating and this just confirms it for them. For all those reasons I try to be as all-inclusive as possible.–

Dawn: –How much of what you’ve written, and the filter you’ve used to explain what you and others have seen in their past and future lives, are based on what you were taught growing up? For example, were you taught that we are here to learn and then «graduate» to higher levels leading eventually to immortality?–

Brian: –No, I think most of it comes from about 1980, 1981 from Catherine and thereafter. Much, much less comes to what I was taught before. What I was taught before was important as a sort of foundation, in a way of looking at things, and certainly what I was taught in the scientific method of observing and developing hypothesis, testing it, having an open mind, that’s very important. As far as the spiritual lessons, almost all of that is from my experimental work, beginning with Catherine.–

Dawn: –Do you think there are worlds within our world that most humans are unaware of?–

Brian: –Absolutely. There are an infinity of worlds. And this is what modern physics and cosmology is showing now. We’re all energies and we all inter-penetrate each others and that’s why you can have spiritual visits, things like that. This physical world is just one of many, many worlds. Sometimes people will come up with an intellectual objection to reincarnation or past lives or future lives such as the number of souls. The number of souls on the planet is greater than ever before. Where do all the souls come from? The answer is from all of these other worlds and dimensions. This is not the only place where there are souls. Or perhaps souls can split and have simultaneous experiences. So, yes, I do believe there’s an infinity of dimensions and worlds and levels of consciousness.–

Dawn: –I really enjoyed reading about the person who started out his past life regression on another planet. How interesting was that to you to find evidence that we can have future experiences of people coming from other planets to here?–

Brian: –That was interesting to me because it makes sense. He’s not the only one, others have talked about this too: that there have been migrations here from other planets. This, of course is too long ago to have any proof. Sometimes we can validate past lives because people find themselves there, track down names or other identifying information or find their children from a past life, but to find something really ancient: a migration from other galaxies or star systems, this is not even from other dimensions, this is from the same dimension, the same universe. It’s very, very interesting. It certainly helped that person, Patrick, a lot. I remember years ago doing a workshop with Dr. John Mack, from Harvard University, we did this workshop in Boston. He had been studying UFOs, something that I had very little experience with. He was finding and using hypnosis to bring people back to their abduction experience. Sometimes he didn’t find an abduction at all but he found past lives. So he invited me to speak at this symposium and I went there and had a great time talking about that. And then I was finding these cases where people were saying, «Yeah, we’re here from other places». I think we’re probably all aliens. Our souls are ageless so we’ve lived in other dimensions and other galaxies and other worlds. We didn’t begin on earth.–

Dawn: –Was Patrick able to remember any of the information? Like where he had buried the scrolls? Has that come up in modern science for him to have recognized that they had found what he had buried? Has it been an interest of his to find out?–

Brian: –No, not yet. I think it was too vague. So much has happened in those years [60,000 years]. Coastlines have changed. Places that were above sea level are now under sea level. There wasn’t enough specific information. He knows that they’ll be discovered at some point. The important thing for him was the information, the wisdom that he gained, not the specific places where this knowledge will be uncovered again because it won’t be uncovered until the time is right. I have a feeling these things are not coincidences. When we are ready for this it’ll be discovered, but as long as people are still making weapons out of anything, I don’t think we’re quite ready yet.–

Dawn: –Is there anything that you were sure didn’t exist before you began doing this work that you’re now convinced of because of your work?–

Brian: –Life after death. I wasn’t sure about that but now I’m convinced that there is. I think that’s the biggest thing for me.–

Dawn: –My husband always asks why everyone remembers past lives where they were famous? Why doesn’t anyone remember past lives when they were an insurance salesman in Ohio?–

Brian: –Well, they do. Actually, that’s a myth. It’s very rare to have famous people. And sometimes those are just fantasies or projections. But when you’re really doing regressions seriously, from the deeper level, you don’t find that. That’s a myth, that they were famous people. You find slaves, servants, this kinds of thing, overwhelmingly so.–

Dawn: –I have had done past life regression therapy in a group and I did recall a past life, which was famous, I was a former prince in London. I recognized people in my current lifetime that were in that lifetime.–

Brian: –That can be true. We’ve all been rich, poor, prince. People who actually were Joan of Arc, there are about 20 of them, but I don’t know how those regressions were done. I’ve never found one and I’ve done this with hundreds of thousands of people. I’ve had people who were in royalty or who were very wealthy but not in the numbers you would expect. To be a prince or to be wealthy, in that case, that’s not what I mean by these famous people: the ones where you mention a name and everyone knows them, that’s rare. Sometimes it’s a projection. I had a man who thought he was Napoleon. We were doing a regression and we found in him in the French army, in that time, in the uniform, describing battle strategy. He described the enemies, the colors of the uniforms. It all was accurate but as we looked closer we found he was a corporal in Napoleon’s army. He was there. He could see Napoleon but he certainly wasn’t [Napoleon]. In this life he needs more power and he had just distorted that in his mind a little bit. But when we did the actual deep, intensive work he was close, he was there. So to find a soldier, that’s not so rare. To find Napoleon is rare. Sometimes you get distortions because anything coming up from the memory can be distorted. I can ask you to describe your 10th birthday party or 15th birthday party and you might get 98 percent of it correct. But a little bit might be distorted like, «That year we had it at the skating rink, not in the bowling alley. That was my 11th birthday». Or something like that. But it doesn’t mean the memory’s not correct.–

Read my reviews of two of Brian’s books:

Many Lives, Many Masters.

Same Soul, Many Bodies

Dawn Light with Brian Weiss.Dawn Light. Tuesday, December 25th 2007.

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