Writings En


What is Past Life Therapy.
The Past Life Therapy (PLT) is a transpersonal psychotherapeutic technique which, basically, consists of making conscious what is unconscious. When this happens there arise to consciousness unresolved traumatic experiences which were hidden in the unconscious. In these experiences the patients tend to identify himself in another body and another time period, and experiment the death of that body, therefore the technique was called Past Life Therapy (…).
Dr. José Luis Cabouli, August 2017.
Translation : Loto Perrella.

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.
Many of us have cycles in our lives that we don’t know how to put an end to. Traumatic events of childhood, some family trends, inadequacies or excesses in our upbringing, injustices, losses, and so on, which may cause future constraints, dependence and depression. Gestalt coaxes us to become conscious of our patterns, of the character we have created for ourselves, and helps us to close cycles properly. We are in front of a shop window and we see something we like. What happens when we focus our attention on that object? We see it, we appreciate it in the foreground, but behind it there is a background, a framework of thousands of things which may be there, or may be happening: there are many other things in the window, people inside the shop, people going by, a bus at the bus stop, two men talking at the corner… From the background, or from the structure, a shape has come forward which commands our attention and which stands in the foreground (…).
Text: Joan Garriga (director of Institut Gestalt Barcelona).
Thrapies, workshops and training in Lleida: Coaching Lleida & Isuri Gestalt Lleida. Chus Borrell Feliu.
Translation: Loto Perrella.
Published on magazine Guía & Ocio Lleida. April 2005. No. 39. Pages 128-129.

Ennio d’Alba Interview
Ennio d’Alba’s spiritual system works on a number of regressions. But these regressions are not meant to find out if in the past we were Napoleon or Cleopatra (quite funnily, when doing a regression everybody find they were a famous character…). This is a regression where the person tries to establish, or re-establish, a fusion with their subconscious, which is the one to guide and to counsel in this life. To this end it is necessary to carry out several sessions, during which the instructor will lead us to another dimension, where we will receive information and advice which will be useful in our life, and which will lead us (if we so wish) to engage in a spiritual path (…).
Loto Perrella.
Barcelona. Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
This interview was registered on 18th February 2003, and this fascicle is the result. Marinella Bonasso & Anna Maria Venturini.