Zona Infinito 79. José Luís Cabouli. Past Lives Therapist. YouTube, 5-11-2020.

Zona Infinito 79. José Luís Cabouli. Past Lives Therapist. YouTube, 5-11-2020.


Doctor José Luís Cabouli was interviewed by Horacio Embón in the year 2000 in order to explain to the tv audience the path that led him to replace body surgery for soul surgery, ie. Past Lives Therapy (PLT). «YouTube» Editor Profile: Doctor José Luís Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy. Date of publication on «YouTube»: Thursday, 5th November of 2020. Duration: 15 minutes and 46 seconds. Language: Spanish.

This is an interview by Horacio Embón on the Canal Infinito in Buenos Aires in the year 2000. I found it thanks to Mitzutao as I was unaware of its existence.

Doctor José Luís Cabouli.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.