Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.Galician language speakers Internet users can now access Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography page, with the synopsis of each of her books published to date, in their language.

We are grateful to Doctor Zenteno for the facilities provided and to the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for translating this page into the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s team “In body and soul“.
Wednesday, December 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Bibliografía da Doutora Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.