Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Animated Basque flag.This is to let you know that that the Basque readers may now find in their own language Cristina’s Evidence, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Remember it is about a patient who found her progress in life was blocked. In her regression she remembers that in a previous life she had been a man who had made a pact with darkness.

Doctor Cabouli’s protocol, carried out together with his patient, helps the breaking off of this bond in order to be able to carry on with one’s life. According to Doctor Cabouli’s evidence, this blockage can be found in a high number of patients. We are grateful to Iraide López de Gereñu for her translation, and to Doctor Cabouli for his help for making available this version of this case.

Team of “In body and soul“.
Saturday, July 2, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link of this case in Basque translation:

Kristinaren Testigantza. Iluntasunarekin itun bat (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
Istorio honetan Kristina izena hartzen duen pazienteak, hainbat blokeo jasaten ditu bere egungo bizitzan bere helburuak bete ahal izateko. Terapeutaren laguntzaz, sintoma hauek sortu zituen iraganeko bizitza bat ikusarazten du, gizon bat izanik, boterea eta onarpen soziala lortu ahal izateko iluntasunarekin ituna egiten zuenean, sekta bateko kide bezala. Kristinak, terapeutak lagundurik, mugatzen duen ituna desegin dezake, egindako okerrak sendatu eta bere bizitza mugatzen zuten blokeoak konponduz.
Jose Luis Cabouli Doktorea.
Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un nuevo paradigma (Arimaren harrapate bidea eta berreskuraketa. Iraganeko bizitzen terapia: paradigma berri bat). Continente Edizioak. 123tik 134ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.