Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

YouTube” user profile: Más allá de la conciencia. Uploaded date on “YouTube“: Monday, July 8 of 2024. Duration: 52 minutes and 23 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Another Near Death Experience (NDE).

This time we chat with María Blázquez, a person who, from a very young age, remembers this magical and transformative experience when experiencing a moment of absolute happiness and indescribable love.

Welcome to “Más allá de la conciencia” (“Beyond consciousness”).

Thank you for existing.


Everyone has the right to an opinion and to be respected, even if their ideas are not the same.

Director: David Payá.
Edition: David Payá.
Guest: María Blázquez González.
Voice over: Eva Galera, María Blázquez González.

Post translation to English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.