José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy).

José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy). Ediciones Isthar. First edition: July 2024. ISBN print: 978-84-19619-65-5. ISBN e-book: 978-84-191619-66-2. 376 pages. Cover.

José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy). Ediciones Isthar. First edition: July 2024. ISBN print: 978-84-19619-65-5. ISBN e-book: 978-84-191619-66-2. 376 pages.

What is the Eternal Feminine? What do we mean when we speak about the Feminine? Which is the wound of the Feminine? How and when was this wound inflicted? Which are its effects on our daily life?

The wound of the Feminine is an ancestral pain which starts when the sword first appears, with its power of death and control over the life giving power of the Feminine.

Starting from the definition of the Feminine, explaining the main causes which led to its annulment and submission, the author submerges us in seventeen real stories of people who lived through a regression the origin and healing of their own wounded Feminine.

Our past lives are the living, palpable, proof of the suffering in which our present civilization has evolved. Here we have the personal experience of the people who felt within themselves the pain of this wound.

Through these stories and the evidence of the persons implied, we may verify that the Past Lives Therapy, or regression therapy, offers an effective and fit way to heal the wounded Feminine.

This work is also the result of the author’s own evolution, a master in Past Lives Therapy, who shares the awakening of his own inner Feminine.