Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”. Granada, 13-14-15th September 2024.

Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”. Granada, 13-14-15th September 2024.

Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”.

Dr. José Luis Cabouli.

Friday 13th to Sunday 15th September 2024.

This activity is mainly experiential. Every person is taken charge of and attended by the group energy. In turn, the effect of every individual process deepens even more the total work of the group.

As usual, this activity is limited to a group of not more than 12 persons, where Dr. Cabouli effects a regression to each of them.

Venue: Balneario Alicún at Las Torres, Granada.

If you click on the resort’s web page: you will be able to visit the place and appreciate its characteristics.

The resort is at 90 km from Granada’s airport. The hotel can pick up those arriving at Guadix, 30 km from the resort.


The workshop costs 600€ (lodging not included, to be paid separately).

Cost of lodging: see the lodging possibilities we have been supplied for this case:

1) Arrival on Thursday and delayed departure before 6 p.m. on Sunday, including charge for board and lodging for three full days plus breakfast on Sunday: 345€.

2) Arrival on Thursday and departure Monday morning: 400€.

3) Single room: there is an extra charge of 45€ for the whole stay with any of the proposed choices.

Thermal treatments.

For those wishing so, it will be possible to have the basic thermal treatment, which will have to be taken the day prior to the onset of the workshop. During the workshop itself it will also be possible, but out of the workshop hours.

It will also be possible to carry out some guided visit on Sunday afternoon.

Reservation and booking:

Should you be interested in taking part in the workshop it will be necessary to confirm your reservation through the payment of 200€. The remaining amount will be paid in cash on starting the workshop.

After the enrolment for the workshop is confirmed, you will be able to make the room arrangements and thermal treatment if you so wish. To do this you will have to co-ordinate with Rafael Jurado. In due time you will receive the contact data.

Information and inscription: Joana Alenyà Mateu.

Tel. & Whatsapp: +34 606 204 308.


Facebook: @terapiadevidaspasadasdoctorcabouli

Instagram: joseluiscaboulitvp

Translation into English of this post by Loto Perrella.

Fourth intensive online training course in past lives therapy with Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Fourth intensive online training course in past lives therapy with Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Intensive training course in past lives therapy.

65th training course.

By Doctor José Luis Cabouli and team: Clara Hoyos, Marcia Mandrile and Patricia Pareja Canales.

Reporting and registration:

Clara Hoyos López

Training recognized by the Argentine Association of Past Life Therapy (AATVP) and approved by the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR).

This training adheres to and complies with the AETR Code of Ethics.

Note: From 2023 the intensive training course will be taught exclusively online, via Zoom.

The intensive course is given in three modules of nine days each, with a rest day on the fifth day. The total course time exceeds 180 hours, which allows the theoretical syllabus to be comprehensively developed in full and to carry out the training with the best qualifications.

In the face-to-face modality, we had thus successfully implemented the training of professionals in Argentina, Canada, Spain, Mexico and Venezuela. In 2020 we started online training.

The interval between each module is approximately six months.

All energies are concentrated on the learning, practices and inner process of each participant.

This is a full immersion course in past lives regression therapy. Learning is mainly done by experience. The attending professionals work alternately as a patient and as a therapist with the regression technique with their fellow students. This involves diving into the depths of our inner world because we work with the emotional contents of each one. No one finishes the course the way they started it. Beyond learning the technique, it is a transcendental and renewing experience.

To obtain the final certificate each participant must complete the three modules and perform at least twelve regressions as a therapist and twelve regressions as a patient. These regressions are carried out within the practices of each module. The participants are assisted in their practices by supervisors trained by Doctor Cabouli.

The course is aimed at health professionals and other disciplines interested in this subject and open to all those who seek to deepen their inner development.

The basic syllabus per module is as follows. However, over the years other subjects have been added, which is why an extra day was added to the original training schedule.

First module

First module starting dates: from Saturday 4 to Sunday 12 May 2024.

  • Presentation of the participants.

  • Introduction to Past Lives Therapy (PLT).

  • Fundamental principles and current approach to PLT.

  • The timeless dimension of the soul and its therapeutic implications.

  • The entrapment of consciousness.

  • Therapeutic concept of karma.

  • Responsible symptom and experience.

  • Basic regression technique and its variants.

  • The first interview: PLT history.

  • How the regression session is conducted.

  • Therapeutic work of traumatic experiences in previous lives.

  • The experience of death and the space between lives.

  • Life before birth: conception, fetal life and birth.

  • Traumatic experiences in childhood.

  • Monitored regression practices among participants.

Second module

2nd Module: November 2024.

  • Reunion of the participating group.

  • Evaluation of the experiences lived by the participants after the first module.

  • Spiritual influence and its clinical manifestations.

  • Lost Souls: Introduction and Concept; predisposing factors.

  • Action and recognition of the different varieties of lost souls.

  • Therapeutic work with lost souls.

  • Covenants, promises, oaths and curses.

  • Fragmentation and recovery of the soul.

  • Continuation of monitored practices.

  • Supervision.

Third module.

3rd Module: May 2025.

  • Reunion of the participating group.

  • Discussion of difficulties and doubts arising in private consultations of the participants.

  • Review of the technique of therapeutic work in PLT.

  • Alien abduction syndrome; introduction and background.

  • Clinical manifestations.

  • When to suspect; how to work

  • Therapeutic work in abductees.

  • Cutting of energetic strings.

  • Completion of supervised practices.

  • Supervision and final evaluation.

  • Closure of the course and delivery of certificates.

Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Fourth intensive online training course in past lives therapy with Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Open days with Doctor Cabouli, May 18 and 19, 2024.

Open days with Doctor Cabouli, May 18 and 19, 2024.

Atma Center of Cártama.

Regressive therapy care and training.

Organizes the open days with Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Face-to-face and online modalities.

Aimed at professionals and students of regression therapy and to the public interested in the subject.

Saturday the 18th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday the 19th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
May 2024.

Cártama (Málaga, Andalusia, Spain).

More information and registrations to:
Mobile: (+34) 616.468.958.

Post translation into English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.
Corrections by Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.

Open days with Doctor Cabouli, May 18 and 19, 2024.