How I shifted from skeptic to complete believer. Doctor Brian Weiss.

Break Free from Fears, Grief and Pain with Past-Life Regression
A Free 4-Part Healing Workshop with Brian Weiss, M.D.
Dear Friend,

Have you wondered if reincarnation is real? Do you believe you’ve had past lives? Do you think we come back to Earth again and again to learn lessons?

My guess is that you want to answer a confident “Yes” to these questions…but maybe a part of you is still skeptical.

Clock running backwards

Well, you’re not alone. So many people just want proof. Solid, inarguable proof.

If you fall into this category—or if you’re interested to know how discovering past lives can help you—I want to invite you to join me for a free 4-part healing workshop called Break Free from Fears, Grief and Pain with Past-Life Regression.

In this workshop, I’ve included not only information about past lives but also techniques that I’ve used over decades to help people overcome their most debilitating phobias, grief and pain.

In this first 15-minute video, I’ll tell you the story of how I discovered past-life therapy—and how I shifted from skeptic to complete believer. It never does cease to amaze me. I’ll also guide you through a visualization to show you how going into a brief relaxed state can profoundly restore your body and alleviate your anxiety and tension right now…

Watch Video 1: The Extraordinary Power of Past-Life Regression
Watch Video 1: The Extraordinary Power of Past-Life Regression ►
This hypnotic visualization is the first of several powerful techniques that I’ll share with you in this workshop—and the benefits you’ll experience will continue even after the workshop is over.

I hope you’ll join me!

Warmest regards,
Brian Weiss, M.D.

P.S. When you’ve finished watching the video, I welcome you to comment on what you felt as you did the visualization. You never know when your experiences will help in someone else’s healing.

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