Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in French language.

Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in French language.

French animated flag.We have available to all French-speaking Internet users the interview with Dr. Brian Weiss in the journal «Athanor», which was published in issue 35, September-October 2002, between pages 15 and 18.

Animated Island of France flag.We are grateful to the translator Loto Perrella as well as to the rest of the team of this publication for collaborating and providing us with all the facilities to recover and reproduce the original text and its images.

Athanor. A door to the new paradigm. Logo.The interview translated into Rousseau’s language, reviews Dr. Weiss’s unique journey in Past Life Therapy through his first five books on the subject, beginning with his encounter with Katherine, the first of his patients to be treated with this technique.

«In Body and Soul» website’s team.
Sunday, 22nd of December of 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated to French:

Le retour à la paix. Une interview à Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Magazine Athanor. No. 35, septembre-octobre 2002. Pages 15-18.
Interviewer: Josep Agustín. Interprète: Loto Perrella. Photographe: Natalia Campoy.
Comment être en paix avec soi même, et, de ce fait, avec tout, est peut-être la formule magique la plus cherchée depuis toujours par l’être humain. Le Dr. Brian Weiss nous recevait dans son hôtel, et pendant toute l’interview nous nous sentîmes dans une atmosphère tranquille, accompagnés par la bonne humeur et la qualité gentille de cette personne (…).
Traduction : Loto Perrella.