35 years with Past Lives Therapy. Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

35 years with Past Lives Therapy. Doctor José Luis Cabouli.


Talk given at the Second International Days on Past Lives Therapy organized by Lili Bosnic (Mexico), September 10 and 11, 2022. The talk itself starts at minute 3’50” and ends after the questions at 56′ 40″. Due to technical problems during the recording, the video lacks a little definition.

Speaker: Doctor in Medicine and Surgery José Luis Cabouli, presented by Psychologist Lili Bosnic. User profile on “YouTube“: Dr. Cabuli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas. Date of uploading on “YouTube“: Wednesday, January 11, 2023. Duration: 1 hour. 3 minutes and 42 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Workshop Lost Souls by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Workshop Lost Souls by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.


Lecturer: Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Publication profile on “YouTube“: Lago Floral. Conference Date: Friday, October 18, 2019. Publication date on “YouTube“: Thursday, March 5, 2020. Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes and 4 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

“Past Lives Therapy”. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 12-1-2023.

Past Lives Therapy”. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 12-1-2023.


Thursday, January 12, 2023. 20 hours.

Llibreria Epsilon.
Carrer Casanova, 82.

Free entrance. Limited capacity.

Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas». Un camino hacia la luz del alma ("Past Life Therapy". A path to the light of the soul.). Front page. Castilian.Past Lives Therapy“. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Have we lived other lives before this one? Is it possible that today, in our present life, we unknowingly react to the influx of old unresolved emotions?

Many people undergoing the regression experience find that the symptoms and conflicts that disturb them in their current life disappear or are resolved by reliving scenes from their previous lives.

For the first time, an Argentinian doctor reveals his clinical experience with Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and explains, in a clear and entertaining way, through real stories, the technique he uses in his private practice.

From the basic concepts, the origins and evolution of PLT, passing through the fundamental technical premises, the reading takes us gently and progressively towards the intimate experience of regression through the development of therapeutic sessions as they were experienced by the people involved in them.

The eighteen stories presented are true and illustrate just a few of the many possibilities offered by PLT.

Epsilon: The reference. Since 1973 at your service.

In 2023 we are celebrating our 5oth anniversary.

Booking on the following phone numbers:

Landline phone: 934530939.

Mobile Phone: 638272887.

Link to the Epson Library activities program along January del 2023:


Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.We inform you that the short video “The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luis Cabouli is already available in two subtitled versions, that is in Esperanto and in Basque. We are thankful to Iraide López de Gereñu for her Basque translation, and to Alfons Tur García for his translation to the international language Esperanto.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Wednesday, 14th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Links to the new subtitled versions:

Animated Basque flag.

Jose Luis Cabouli doktorearen «Kreditu kosmikoa». Erdarazko hitzaldia euskaraz azpititulatuta (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Basque subtitles).
«“Bizitza jaio aurretik” Jose Luis Cabouli doktoreak 2020ko abuztuaren 29an, larunbata, Solerasko Areto Balioanitzean (Las Garrigues, Katalunia) emandako hitzaldiaren pasartea (…)».
«Odysee» argitaletxearen profila: Animaweb. Hitzaldiak euskaraz. «Odysee»n argitaratu zen eguna: Abenduaren, 2022ko asteazkena 14an. Bideoaren iraupena: 3 minutu eta 33 segundo. Hizkuntza: gaztelaniazko ahotsa euskarazko azpitituluekin.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Animated Esperanto flag.

«Kosma kredito» de D-ro José Luis Cabouli. Prelego en la hispana, subtekstoj en esperanto (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Esperanto subtitles).
«Ero de la prelego kies titolo estas “Vivo antaŭ naskiĝo” de D-ro José Luis Cabouli okazinta en la Pluruza Salono de Soleràs (Les Garrigues, Katalunio) la sabaton 29-an de aŭgusto de 2020 (…)».
Profilo de publikaĵo de «Odysée»: Animaweb. Prelegoj en esperanto. Dato de publikigo en «Odysée»: Lundo, la 12-an de decembro 2022. Daŭro de la filmo: 3 minutoj kaj 33 sekundoj. Lingvo: voĉo en la hispana kun subtekstoj en esperanto.
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.