Regression Therapy Online training.

Regression Therapy Online training.

Individual program adapted to your personal agenda.

Personalized lectures and practical tasks under constant supervision.

Ongoing consultancy along the whole formation.

Possibility to start at anytime and finish the training with no time limit.

Endorsed by the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR) with option to affiliation.

Information : +34 616 468 958.


Carlos González Delgado.
Affiliate Psychologist, AO11251.

ATMA Center of Màlaga.
Avenida de los Guindos, 20, 2º izquierda
29004 Málaga

centro.atma.cartamaA que

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Online Training in Regressive Therapy. ATMA Center of Malaga.

Quotes from scholars in German language.

Quotes from scholars in German language.

Animated German flag.We are pleased to inform you that we have at the disposal of the readers of Goethe’s language the story of Doctor Brian Weiss where souls of different scholars deliver their messages through the vocal cords of patients in a regression state.

In this mention the messages deal with individual and collective karma, goals in the present incarnation, fame and forgiveness. We would like to thank all the people who made possible the availability of the completed webpage.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Sunday, March 20 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the webpage in german language:

Arten des Karma, Gruppenkarma, Ruhm, Ziel und Vergebung. Zitate der Weisen (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Durch den Körper der von Doktor Brian Weiss unter hypnotische Regression gesetzten Patienten kann man nicht nur Zugang zur Vergangenheit seiner Seele auf der Suche nach einem traumatischen Erlebniss haben, sondern Seelen von verschiedenen Weisen oder Meistern können Einfluss haben, um dem Therapeuten Erklärungen zur geistigen Evolution zu übermitteln (…).
Doktor Brian Weiss. Die Liebe kennt keine Zeit: Die wahre Geschichte zweier wiedervereinter Seelen. Seiten 120 bis 123.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Mailing List.Our website «In body and Soul», dedicated to publicizing the so-called soul therapies, has a Mailing List system so you can receive the latest news in your email address.

There is a page within our website that allows you to manage the registration and cancellation of emails, as well as changes in the listing preferences. Submissions can currently be received in three languages: Galician, spanish and english

The Mailing List page is also available in German and Galician tongues. We are grateful for the collaboration of the people who have made these translations possible, among which we would like to mention the Galician Language Teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Thursday, March 10th of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the again available webpage’s versions:

Animated German flag.Deutsch:

Mailinglisten der Webseite „In Körper und Seele“.
Wir stellen Ihne einen Messenger-Service mit dem “PHP List” System zur Verfügung, um Ihnen die Neuigkeiten der Webseite “In Körper und Seele” mitteilen zu können. Die Mitteilungen beziehen sich auf die spirituelle Entwicklung durch die Reinkarnation mit Hilfe von Zeugenberichten sowie den Praktizierenden der Therapie der vergangenen Leben (TVL) und der Therapie der geistigen Besessenheit. Die grundlegende Definition unserer Ziele ist über diesen Link einzusehen (…)“.

Animated Galician flag.Galego:

Listas de correo do sitio web «En cuerpo y alma».
«Temos á vosa disposición un servizo de mensaxería, mediante o sistema “PHP List”, para darvos a coñecer as novidades do sitio web “En cuerpo y alma”. As noticias están relacionadas coa evolución espiritual mediante a reencarnación coa axuda das testemuñas, como os dos practicantes da Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (TVP) e a Terapia da Posesión Espiritual (TPE). A definición fundacional dos nosos obxectivos está determinada nesta ligazón (…)».