Ennio d’Alba Interview

An interview to Ennio d’Alba. Page.

English animated flag.We inform you that we have introduced the page with the document “Interview to Ennio d’Alba”. We are grateful to Loto Perrella, Marinella Bonasso and Anna Maria Venturini for offering the article, and to Loto Perrella for its translation.

The “In body and soul” team.
Saturday, 11th January 2025.
Post translation to English language: Loto Perrella.

Link to the document:

Ennio d’Alba Interview
Ennio d’Alba’s spiritual system works on a number of regressions. But these regressions are not meant to find out if in the past we were Napoleon or Cleopatra (quite funnily, when doing a regression everybody find they were a famous character…). This is a regression where the person tries to establish, or re-establish, a fusion with their subconscious, which is the one to guide and to counsel in this life. To this end it is necessary to carry out several sessions, during which the instructor will lead us to another dimension, where we will receive information and advice which will be useful in our life, and which will lead us (if we so wish) to engage in a spiritual path (…).
Loto Perrella.
Barcelona. Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
This interview was registered on 18th February 2003, and this fascicle is the result. Marinella Bonasso & Anna Maria Venturini.
Translation to English language: Loto Perrella.

Link to the website of the Argentine Association of Past Life Therapy (AATVP).

Link to the website of the Argentine Association of Past Life Therapy (AATVP).

Animated Argentine flag.We inform you that the website “In body and soul” has a link to the website of the Argentine Association of Past Life Therapy (AATVP): https://www.aatvp.com/ We thank the President of this entity for her collaboration, Graduate Claudia de Vincenzi.

In body and soul” website team.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

Dr. José Luis Cabouli’s Testimony of Cristina in Rumanian

Dr. José Luis Cabouli’s Testimony of Cristina in Rumanian

Animated Romanian flag.We inform that Rumanian internauts have now available Testimony of Cristina, by Dr. José Luis Cabouli, in your own language. In this case the patient recalls a pact with darkness made in a previous life, which restrains her from moving forward in her present life. We thank Govor Marian Cosmin for her translation.

The “In body and soul” web team.
Tuesday, 16th April 2024.
Translation into English of this information by Loto Perrella.

Translated page link to Romanian:

Mărturia Cristinei. Un pact cu întunericul (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
Pacienta, care în această poveste poartă numele de Cristina, suferă de mai multe blocaje atunci când vine vorba de a-și putea duce la îndeplinire scopurile în viața sa actuală. Cu ajutorul terapeutului, ea vizualizează o viață trecută în care s-au generat aceste simptome, când era un om care a făcut un pact cu întunericul pentru a obține putere și acceptare socială din partea membrilor unei secte. Cristina, ajutată de terapeut, reușește să desfacă pactul care a limitat-o, să vindece relele pe care le-a făcut și să rezolve blocajele la care a fost supusă (…).
Dr. José Luís Cabouli. Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un nuevo paradigma (Capturarea și recuperarea sufletului. Terapia vieților trecute: o nouă paradigmă). Ediciones Continente. Paginile 123 – 134.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Manuel Sans, surgeon: Some of the patients talked about experiences that coincided with the time when they were clinically dead. 3Cat, 27-3-2024.

Manuel Sans, surgeon: Some of the patients talked about experiences that coincided with the time when they were clinically dead. 3Cat, 27-3-2024.

Manuel Sans, surgeon: Some of the patients talked about experiences that coincided with the time when they were clinically dead. 3Cat, 27-3-2024.https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/manel-sans-metge-cirurgia-alguns-dels-pacients-explicaven-experiencies-que-coincidien-amb-el-temps-en-que-clinicament-estaven-morts/video/6273941/

Agnès Marquès interviews Doctor Manuel Sans Segarra in the program Planta Baixa, of 3cat. With the intervention of doctor José Morales, explaining his Near-death Experience (NDE). Also participating in the panel are Mariona Cubells, journalist and television critic; Eloi Vila, journalist and Estel Solé, actress and writer.

Broadcast date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Duration: 21 minutes and 5 seconds. Language: Catalan.

Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Amy’s evidence by Dr. Michael Newton and Abortion case by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Occitan language.

Amy’s evidence by Dr. Michael Newton and Abortion case by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Occitan language.

Animated Occitan flag.We are happy to inform you that we have at the disposal of Occitan language Internet users the pages corresponding to Amy’s Evidence, a case of suicide in a previous life, corresponding to the therapist Doctor Michael Newton, and also that of the Abortion Case, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli, showing a Bioelectrography (BEG). We thank Jordi Ràfols for translating the text of the two pages.

In body and soulwebsite’s team.
Friday, April 5, 2024.
Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

The links to the newly translated pages in Occitan are as follows:

Testimoniatge d’Amy. Cas de suicidi e passatge per la bibliotèca dels Libres de la Vida (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
Dins lo raconte seguent, una pacienta del Dr Michael Newton, que pren aquí lo nom d’Amy, reviu una vida passada ont se suicida après s’èsser retrobada celibatària, emprenhada e aver perdut son partenari dins un accident dins l’Anglatèrra victoriana. Son arma demòra blocada pendent mai o mens cent ans a soscar sus çò qu’a fach, fins qu’accedís a una bibliotèca dels Libres de la Vida. Ailà, establís un dialòg amb l’arma d’un dels bibliotecaris, un mèstre expèrt que l’ajuda a perseguir son camin d’evolucion espirituala (…).
Doctor Michael Newton. Destino de las almas. Un eterno crecimiento espiritual (Destinacion de las almas. Una creissença espirituala eternala). Paginas 93-100. Correccion respècte a la version originala anglesa : Loto Perrella.
Traduccion : Jordi Ràfols.

Cas d’avortament. Terapia de possession espirituala (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
La BEG (Bioelectrografia) correspond a una femna de trenta cinc ans qu’a perdut una grossessa de tres meses seguida a un accident. La femna a exprimit de paur e de culpabilitat perque l’accident èra degut a una imprudéncia de sa part. La BEG es estada obtenguda pendent la session de regression just al moment que la pacienta a dich çò que seguís : « Ara, senti que lo nenet es dins mon cap » (…).
Imatge de la BEG : Raúl Torres. De libre del Doctor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapia de la possession espirituala. Tecnica e practica clinica). Editoriala Índigo. Pagina 397.
Traduccion : Jordi Ràfols.