Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that we have available to Galician-speaking Internet users the translation into this language of the interview granted to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by the Argentine newspaper La Nación. Each available interview is accessible from the Interviews section in each of the existing languages on our website.

La Nación. Logo.In this text, Doctor Cabouli tells how he decided to abandon body surgery and move on to what he calls soul surgery. It was later that he perfected his technique, both in the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and in the Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT), a fact which has been reflected in the evolution of his literature.

We are grateful to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which expands our knowledge of this reality in the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s Team «In body and soul».
Sunday, August 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Here follows the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «Quixen ser un cirurxián de almas» (José Luis Cabouli: «I wanted to be a soul surgeon»).
Por Luís Aubele. Entrevista publicada no diario «La Nación», Buenos Aires, 22-03-2009.
«Que fun antes de ser José Luís?», comezou a preguntarse cando tiña 8 anos. O curioso é que daquela nunca tiña ouvido falar de reencarnación; non só non sabía o que era, senón que nin sequera coñecía a palabra. «Só uns anos máis tarde, entre os 15 e os 16, souben de que se trataba. Así e todo, tiveron que pasar 20 anos máis, cando xa era un cirurxián plástico con anos de exercicio, para que entendese que a reencarnación podía ter unha finalidade terapéutica», lembra José Luís Cabouli, médico e terapeuta especializado en Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss, in Esperanto

Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss, in Esperanto

Animated Esperanto flag.We make known to internauts that we have now available in Esperanto the document titled Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss.

This document is the result of the research made by Doctor Brian Weiss after he helped his first patient, Catherine, to solve a trauma of her soul’s past, with the Past Lives Therapy.

Doctor Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof.Doctor Weiss wonders how is it possible that he had to admit the reality of reincarnation to be able to help this patient to heal, while the established dogmas of the three main monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) do not accept officially this reality.

We are grateful to Alfons Tur García, who is the author of the translation of the text into the international language designed by Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof.

Team of the website “En cos i ànima.
Saturday, 17th July 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Hereafter the link to the interview available in Esperanto:

Survoje al ekkompreno pere de la sperto (Understanding through experience).
La D-ro en psikiatrio Brian Weiss rakontas pri siaj komencaj enketoj en la traserĉo de referencoj pri la reenkarniĝo post la unuaj paŝoj en la tekniko de terapio de Pasintaj Vivoj (…).
D-ro Brian Weiss. Throug Time into Healing (Tra la tempo en la kuracado).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur García.

Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli, granted to La Verdad in Galician

Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli, granted to La Verdad in Galician

Animated Galician flag.Galician internauts have now available the interview which Dr. José Luis Cabouli granted to La Verdad.

In this interview we learn that often there are cases of souls of brothers who died and are trying to come back and be born to the same parents.

We are grateful to Pr. Vicenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which makes it possible for this page to be available in Galician.

Team of the website “En cos i anima”.
Friday, 16th July 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «Hai casos de xente coa alma de irmáns mortos» (José Luis Cabouli: «There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother»).
La Verdad (A Verdade). Venres, 25 de maio de 2012.
O experto utiliza unha técnica de regresión a vidas pasadas para resolver conflitos e problemas psicolóxicos dos seus pacientes (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Animated Galician flag.Galician internauts have now available in Galician the interview made by El Periódico de Catalunya to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview Doctor Cabouli applies the metaphor, according to which we are the drivers of a car who change their vehicle in every incarnation.

We thank Professor Vincenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which increases the availability of pages in this language in our website.

The team of the “In body and soul” website.
Friday, July 9th, 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «A alma é o chofer; o corpo, o vehículo» (José Luis Cabouli: «The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle»).
El Periódico de Catalunya (O Xornal de Catalunya). Mércores, 8 de outubro de 2008.
José Luís Cabouli practica a Terapia das Vidas Pasadas. É médico e cirurxián da alma. Asume que existe a reencarnación e traballa con pacientes que arrastran traumas doutras vidas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Captivating the Soul and the Intrauterine Life. Doctor Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy, May 22, 2021.

Captivating the Soul and the Intrauterine Life. Doctor Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy, May 22, 2021.

A talk given in Malaga, on Saturday, May 22, 2021, in the First Spanish American Meeting of Experts in Past Life Therapy (PLT). Published in YouTube under: “Dr. Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas” (Dr. Cabouli: Past Life Therapy). Date of publication in YouTube: Sunday, June 27, 2021. Length: 1 hour, 32 minutes and 14 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: the King Of Therapies”. June 26, 2021. Biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: the King Of Therapies”. June 26, 2021. Biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam

Doctor Ham TenDam, author of books such as: "Deep Healing and Transformation", "Exploring Reincarnation", "The Long View".

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.ón-profunda-y-transformacion/

Form for the inscription to: Regressions Therapy: the King of Therapies:

Webinar and launching by Dr. Hans Ten Dam, author of the book:

Deep healing and transformation. Handbook of Transpersonal Regressive Therapy, translated into Spanish.

Saturday, June 26, 2021:

10 to 12 a.m.: Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

12 a.m. to2 p.m.: Chile.

1 to 3 p.m.: Argentina and Brazil.

6 to 8 p.m.: Canary Islands and Portugal.

7 to 9 p.m.: Spain and Italy.

Price: 30.00 USD. 20,000 CLP.

A short biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam.

Hans Ten Dam (1943) studied psychology and education at Amsterdam University. Through several positions of management development he became an independent management consultant, mainly in the strategic management of professional organizations and government agencies.

He started working on regressions through his study of international literature on re-incarnation, which culminated in Ring of Light, later renovated, developed and reprinted as Exploring Reincarnation. He described his experiences with the practice of regression in his Deep Healing and Transformation handbook, whose Spanish version will be introduced from Chile.

Dr. Ten Dam is the creator of the Dutch School of Regressive Therapy and founder of the Tasso Institute and Tasso International (, which gives workshops in Europe and Brazil since 1983.

Dr. Ten Dam is also a member of the Publishing Committee of the Revista Internacional de Terapia de Regresión (International Journal of Regression Therapy,, and Past President of the Asociación Europea de Terapia Regresiva, (Earth Association for Regression Therapy,, founded in 2006 in Frankfurt, which has become a World Association.

Tasso and Earth are instrumental for the world development of the Regressive Therapy field, through publications, talks, undergraduate and post-graduate workshops, independent certification, professional associations, participation in conferences and congresses, carrying on or promoting research and publishing the outcomes.

Together with the Earth Association since 2003 he has organized World Congresses of Regression Therapy (, namely:

1. World Congress in 2003 in the Netherlands;

2. World Congress in 2006 in India;

3. in 2008 in Brazil;

4. in 2011 in Turkey;

5. in 2014 in the Netherlands;

6. in 2017 in India;

7. September 2021(?) in the Netherlands.

Deep Healing and Transformation is an actual Treaty of Transpersonal Regressive Therapy, used in training programmes all over the world. It describes a methodical approach to work which goes beyond traditional psychotherapy, while at the same time it retains a professional attitude. It avoids artificial hypnosis inductions and psychical intrusions, working directly with the client’s experiences, and delivering multiple therapeutic tools.

The book may be bought from (, and (

Thank you for forwarding this information.

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by magazine Athanor in Galician

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by magazine Athanor in Galician

Animated Galizian flag.The above interview is available to all the Galician speaking internauts. This interview was made by Athanor, a magazine, to Doctor Brian Weiss, and was published in the September-October 2002 issue.

We thank Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the translation, which from now on is at the disposal of all Galician speaking readers.

With this translation we expand the information of one of the most important schools of soul therapists, headed by this psychiatry doctor, born in the East Coast of the USA.

The team of the web site In body and soul.
Sunday, 13th June, 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

Regreso á Paz. Entrevista a Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Revista Athanor. Número 35. Setembro-outubro de 2002. Páxinas 15-18.
Entrevistador: Josep Agustín. Intérprete: Loto Perrella. Fotógrafa: Natalia Campoy.
Como estar en paz cun mesmo e, por conseguinte, con todo, é quizá a fórmula máxica máis procurada desde sempre polo ser humano. Ao ser recibido polo doutor Brian Weiss no hotel e durante toda a entrevista, fomos acompañados pola tranquilidade, o bo humor e o carácter atento desta persoa (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: The King of Therapies”. June 26, 2021.

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: The King of Therapies”. June 26, 2021.

2021-06-26. International Institute of Regressive Therapy Tasso.

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Form for webinar “Regressions Therapy: the King of Therapies”:

Academia de Terapia Regresiva Doctora Viviana Zenteno:

We are pleased to introduce:

Webinar and launching by Dr. Hans Ten Dam, author of the book:

Deep healing and transformation. Handbook of Transpersonal Regressive Therapy”, translated into Spanish.

Saturday, June 26, 2021:

From 10 to 12 a.m, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

From 12 a.m. to 2 p.m., Chile.

From 1 to 3 p.m., Argentina and Brazil.

From 6 to 8 p.m., Canary Islands and Portugal.

From 7 to 9 p.m., Spain, Catalonia and Italy.

Price: 30.00 US$, 20,000 CLP.

With the cooperation of:

Earth Association:

Asociación Chilena de Terapeutas de Vidas Pasadas, ACHTEPIV:

Thanks for forwarding this information.

Webinar: Saturday, June 26, 2021. Dr. Hans Ten Dam. "Regression Therapy: The Queen of Therapies." International Event Via Zoom.

Past Life Therapy Workshop. May 29-20, 2021.

Past Life Therapy Workshop. May 29-20, 2021.

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Free happening through Zoom.

There are several ways of approaching the soul’s past, and the most sought after is, wanting to know who we were in times past. But perhaps it is more significant to know in which emotions or circumstances we became caught, so that knowing this we may conclude stories and carry on with our life in this lifetime.


Saturday, May 29, 2021.

Mexico time:

10 a.m.: Opening by Mrs. Lili Bosnic from Mexico.

10.15 a.m.: Lic. Carlos González Delgado, Spain:

Regression therapy and soul psychology.

11.45 a.m.: Lic. Marcelo Beloqui, Argentina.

PLT with respect to a good death and beyond.

1.30 p.m. : Dr. José Luís Cabouli, Spain.

Captures of the soul.

3 to 4.30 p.m.: recess for lunch.

4.30 p.m.: Dr. Viviana Zenteno. Chile.

Karmic relationships.

6.15 p.m.: Mrs. Lili Bosnic. Mexico.

This… and that… and my experience too.

8 p.m.: End of the day.

Sunday, May 30, 2021.

10 a.m.: Lili opens the sittings.

10.15 a.m.: Dr. Bibiana Bistrich. Argentina.

Foetal life.

11.45 a.m.: Dr. Maria Eugenia Domínguez. Argentina.

Resources for integrating the soul.

1.30 p.m.: Close down of the workshop.

See the time in your country:

9 a.m.: Costa Rica, Nicaragua.

10 a.m.: Colombia, Peru, Mexico.

11 a.m.: Chile.

12 a.m.: Argentina, Brazil.

5 p.m.: Spain, Catalonia, Italy.

Register here:

Fill in the registration form and on Thursday, May 27, you will receive in your mail a link to enter the workshop.


telephone: 55 4903 2000

Many thanks for sharing this information and for your interest.

Past Life Therapy Workshop. May 29-20, 2021.

Mónica Baum interview with Doctor Cabouli, April 14th 2021.

Mónica Baum interview with Doctor Cabouli, April 14th 2021.

Journalist Mónica Baum interviews Doctor Cabouli. Paths to personal development; karma, destiny, guilt, original sin, victimism, victim and perpetrator. «YouTube» Editor Profile: «Dr. Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas» («Dr. Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy»). Interview date: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021. Date of publication on «YouTube»: Thursday, April 29th, 2021. Duration: 37 minutes and 30 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.