Conference: “Life before birth”, with Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 7‑5‑2019.

Conference: “Life before birth”, with Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 7‑5‑2019.

Conference Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

“Life before birth.”

Speaker: Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

To guarantee a place, you must make a reservation in advance on the phone / WhatsApp: 654113551.

The popular price of €5 is to cover the costs of advertising and organization of the aforementioned event.

Location: Café de la Opera.

Mandatory minimum consumption.

La Rambla, 74, Barcelona (In front of the great Liceo Theatre).

Day: Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Time: 20 hours.

Life before birth is one of the most fascinating periods in our personal history. In that closed universe that is the mother’s womb, the baby has a consciousness that is present from the moment of conception. This consciousness brings with it the memory of her previous experiences and intensely experiences all the events that occur during her intrauterine life. Within the womb the baby registers the most subtle and complex emotional states of his mother, first of all, and of her family environment. The emotions, thoughts and beliefs of the mother and her family environment are forever recorded as our own in our subconscious memory and from there they condition and direct our behavior in adult life. 🤰

In this talk, Doctor Cabouli will share his clinical experience working with intrauterine life within the framework of past life therapy. This talk may be of particular interest to future mothers, pregnant women, doulas, midwives, obstetricians and health professionals.

At the end of the conference, Doctor José Luis Cabouli will open the debate by raising all opinions or questions that arise about the topic in question.

The author will sign copies of his books.

For more information go to the following link:

We are waiting for you!!!!

Dr. Brian Weiss – Live in Melbourne – November 2019.

Hay House Online Courses




Have you ever wanted to release yourself from deep-rooted emotions—to understand the true nature of your relationships and how they come together over many lifetimes?

Dr. Brian Weiss believes that it’s possible to unlock your inner potential and discover extraordinary details about your past lives that can assist you in the present. Over the past 30 years, he has used meditation and regression techniques with thousands of patients and workshop attendees, helping many of them to release attachments and experience more tranquillity.

Dr. Brian Weiss is coming to Australia to conduct his popular Many Lives, Many Masters workshop. This intensive 3-day workshop will include large and small group exercises, hypnotic regression, healing visualisation, meditation and right-brain training.


Through discussions of death, life and everything in between, Brian will explain how to free yourself from the constrictions of past conditioning and attachments that may keep you repeating the same experiences with the same outcomes. These exercises will slowly allow you to tap into your full potential.

Without any doubt, Many Lives, Many Masters is the most requested workshop Dr. Brian Weiss is asked to present. Book now, as this event is sure to be a sellout!

Join Brian Weiss in Chicago.

Many Lives, Many Masters with Dr. Brian Weiss
Join Brian in Chicago, IL
June 29, 2019
Register Now »
Save $50 when you purchase by April 30, 2019
Learn to Release All Anxiety and Fears by Unlocking the Doors to Your Past!

Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian is the nation’s foremost expert in this field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy. When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die and our possible future lives, we awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.

In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul.

During this all-day event, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Discover extraordinary details about your past
  • Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
  • Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations
  • Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
  • Understand about your soul mates and soul companions
  • Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities
Register Now »
Save $50 when you purchase by April 30, 2019
Join Dr. Brian Weiss in a city near you!
Many Lives, Many Masters – Salt Lake City »
September 21, 2019
Save on Early Registration. Special Ends Jul 23, 2019Many Lives, Many Masters – New York »
October 19, 2019
Save on Early Registration. Special Ends Jul 23, 2019

Original Link:

Doctor Brian Weiss. Meetings in Chicago and Salt Lake City.

Many Lives, Many Masters with Dr. Brian Weiss
Save on Early Registration
Register before Jan 8, 2019 and Save $50
Learn to Release All Anxiety and Fears by Unlocking the Doors to Your Past!

Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian is the nation’s foremost expert in this field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy. When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die and our possible future lives, we awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.

In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul.

During this all-day event, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Discover extraordinary details about your past
  • Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
  • Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations
  • Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
  • Understand about your soul mates and soul companions
  • Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities
Register Now »
Join Dr. Brian Weiss in a city near you!
Many Lives, Many Masters – Chicago »
June 29, 2019
Save on Early Registration. Special Ends Apr 30, 2019
Many Lives, Many Masters – Salt Lake City »
September 21, 2019
Save on Early Registration. Special Ends Jul 23, 2018

Original link:

Basic past life therapy workshop with Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli. 25-26-27 January 2019. Barcelona.

Basic past life therapy workshop with Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli. 25-26-27 January 2019. Barcelona.

This is an introductory workshop to Past Life Therapy ( PVT ) aimed at those who wish to know and learn about this therapeutic alternative without undergoing complete formal training.

The whorkshop consists of five classes that are taught on Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the weekend, in which the fundamental concepts of TVP, the basic technique, are explained. of regression, the therapeutic work of traumatic experiences in past lives, fetal life and birth, and how the anamnesis is carried out in DVT.

Each class is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part during which Dr. Cabouli performs a didactic regression by drawing lots among the attendees.

The whorkshop is aimed at therapists, health professionals and other disciplines who wish to acquire different knowledge about the genesis and resolution of the emotional conflicts that they usually face on a daily basis, as well as those who wish to deepen their inner development. .

In addition to therapists interested in learning about a different therapeutic alternative, the workshop may be of particular interest to obstetricians, pediatricians and those professionals who work in palliative care or accompanying terminally ill patients.

At the end of the workshop, a certificate of attendance is delivered.

Past Life Therapy Basic Workshop Program.

Class 1.

General introduction; the basic premises on which Past Life Therapy (PVT) is based. The timeless dimension of the soul, the entrapment of consciousness and the concept of multisimultaneity. Experience excluded from consciousness, responsible experience and traumatic experience. Symptom: the access route to the experience excluded from consciousness.

Didactic regression by Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli.

Class 2.

Basic regression technique. Therapeutic work on traumatic experience. How the therapeutic session is conducted.

Didactic regression by Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli.

Class 3.

The experience of death. Therapeutic work on the different experiences of traumatic deaths.

Didactic regression by Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli.

Class 4.

Fetal life and birth. Influence of emotions, maternal beliefs and external events on the psyche of the fetus. Therapeutic work on events that can occur at birth: cesarean section, general anesthesia, forceps and cord circulation among others.

Didactic regression by Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli.

Class 5.

History in DVT: initial interview conducted by the therapist and which differs from the classic clinical history. Commands and promises: positive or negative affirmations that function as behavior programmers from the unconscious.

Didactic regression by Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli.

Workshop location: Hotel Villa Emilia.

Calle Calabria nº 115

08015 Barcelona.

Amount: €250 (Reservation of €100 and remainder on the start day of the Workshop).


WA LAM holistic health institute.

Tel: 693932825 (what´s app).



Link to the original information in Spanish:

Doctor Brian Weiss. Past-Life Therapy Training – Rhinebeck, New York.

September 30 –
October 5, 2018

Past-Life Therapy Training – Rhinebeck, New York

Professional Training/Intensive Workshop

Sponsor: Omega Institute

Phone: 800-944-1001 (calling from U.S.)
Phone: 845-266-4444
Fax: 845-266-3769

Click HERE for details about all professional training workshops

Click HERE to contact Omega Institute for specific information – costs, accommodations, how to register, etc.

Doctor Brian Weiss. Unlock Your Inner Potential for Mind and Body Healing.

Three-Day Past Life Regression Workshop with Brian Weiss
July 13-15, 2018 — Rhinebeck, New York
Join BRIAN L. WEISS, MD, best-selling author of “MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS,” and one of the foremost leaders in past life regression, for an intensive 3-day experiential workshop on Friday, July 13 to Sunday, July 15. This event is being sponsored/organized by the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and will be held on their campus in Rhinebeck, New York.
Learn More »
In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, and demonstrations with a few volunteers, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul.

In this Weekend Workshop you will have an opportunity to:

  • Take part in past life regression exercises to unlock your inner potential for mind and body healing and to release old patterns and fears from a previous life
  • Discover extraordinary details about your past lives
  • Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
  • Understand about your soul mates and soul companions
  • Acquire constructive healing techniques to change fear and illness into opportunities for spiritual growth
  • Learn to create and manifest what you need in your life
  • Discover new tools for developing your own intuition and psychic abilities

And much more!

When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die — and our possible future lives — we awaken from the constrictions and paralysis of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.

This workshop is valuable for anyone who wants an in-depth experience of this revolutionary approach to self-exploration.

Learn More About This Exciting Workshop

Learn More »

Source link:

Doctor Brian Weiss. Miracles Happen. The Transformative Power of Past-Life Memories.

Three-Day Past Life Regression Workshop with Brian Weiss
July 13-15, 2018 — Rhinebeck, New York
Join BRIAN L. WEISS, MD, best-selling author of “MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS,” and one of the foremost leaders in past life regression, for an intensive 3-day experiential workshop on Friday, July 13 to Sunday, July 15. This event is being sponsored/organized by the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and will be held on their campus in Rhinebeck, New York.
Learn More »
In a series of large and small group past life regression exercises, healing visualizations and right brain training, and demonstrations with a few volunteers, this exciting experiential workshop takes you on an incredible psychospiritual journey as you explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul.

In this Weekend Workshop you will have an opportunity to:

  • Take part in past life regression exercises to unlock your inner potential for mind and body healing and to release old patterns and fears from a previous life
  • Discover extraordinary details about your past lives
  • Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
  • Understand about your soul mates and soul companions
  • Acquire constructive healing techniques to change fear and illness into opportunities for spiritual growth
  • Learn to create and manifest what you need in your life
  • Discover new tools for developing your own intuition and psychic abilities

And much more!

When we discuss what happens before we are born and after we die — and our possible future lives — we awaken from the constrictions and paralysis of our past conditioning to release anxieties and fears.

This workshop is valuable for anyone who wants an in-depth experience of this revolutionary approach to self-exploration.

Learn More About This Exciting Workshop

Learn More »

Source link: