Conversation with Aurelio Mejía. 19-11-2022.

Conversation with Aurelio Mejía. 19-11-2022.


From the Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy (AETR) we are pleased to invite you to the free online talk that we have prepared for you, where we will talk with Aurelio Mejía about regressive therapy, extraterrestrials, spirituality, hypnosis and many other interesting topics.

The event will be this coming Saturday 19th at 7 pm in Spain and will be broadcasted from Zoom and YouTube (1 pm in Colombia – 3 pm in Chile and Argentina).

Link to enter through Zoom:

Or by using for the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 837 5457 2361
Access code: 936503

And also on the AETR’s Youtube channel:

Poster and information at:

Come and participate!

We also inform you that we are already starting the preparation of the next III International Symposium of Regressive Therapy, so we have decided to make the recordings of the previous symposium openly available to everyone.

Best regards,

AETR Board of Directors.

Conversation with Aurelio Mejía. 19-11-2022.

Understanding through experience in German language.

Understanding through experience in German language.

Animated German flag.German language speakers already have at their disposal the document Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss.

In this paper, the therapist discovers that various patients can heal painful memories from their soul’s past that originated in previous lives, but notes the difficulty that the main monotheist religions have to officially admit reincarnation. Nevertheless, there are outstanding members of these very same religious communities that participate in the knowledge of the soul’s evolution through successive bodies. We are thankful for the text translation to those who have provided it.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Tuesday, November 15 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the German translated page:

Zum Begreifen durch Erfahrung (Understanding through experience).
Der Doktor der Psychiatrie, Brian Weiss, erzählt von seiner anfänglichen Suche nach Hinweisen auf Reinkarnation nach seinen ersten Schritten in der Technik der Therapie vergangener Leben (…)“.
Doktor Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing (Durch die Zeit zur Heilung).

First International Conference on Past Lives Therapy organized by the AATVP. 4-12-2022.

First International Conference on Past Lives Therapy organized by the AATVP. 4-12-2022.

Sunday, December 4th of 2022.

Online event.

Open and free via Zoom.

You can sign up on the following link:


(+54 9) 11 5060-2711

This event is organized by the Argentine Association of Past Lives Therapy (AATVP).

infoA que

Doctor José Luís Cabouli.


Graduate Claudia de Vincenzi.


Graduate Carlos González Delgado.


Graduate Sarita Sammartino.


Doctor Roberto Brito Atton.


First international Conference on Past Lives Therapy.


Catalonia, Spain: 19h15′. Argentina, Chile: 15h15′. Graduate Claudia de Vincenzi. Argentina. “Soul entrapment and intrauterine life“.

Catalonia, Spain: 20h00′. Argentina, Chile: 16h00′. Graduate Sarita Sammartino. Argentina. “Love coming from past lives“.

Catalonia, Spain: 20h45′. Argentina, Chile: 16h45′. Break.

Catalonia, Spain: 21h00′. Argentina, Chile: 17h00′. Doctor Roberto Brito Atton. Chile. “Past Lives Therapy (TVP), quantic world and soul“.

Catalonia, Spain: 21h45′. Argentina, Chile: 17h45′. Graduate Carlos González Delgado. Spain. “Lost souls and suicide“.

Catalonia, Spain: 22h30′. Argentina, Chile: 18h30′. Doctor José Luís Cabouli. Argentina. “35 years of Past Lives Therapy (TVP)“.

Catalonia, Spain: 23h30′. Argentina, Chile: 19h15′. Closure.



(+54 9) 11 5060-2711.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

First International Conference on Past Lives Therapy organized by the AATVP. 4-12-2022. 1.

First International Conference on Past Lives Therapy organized by the AATVP. 4-12-2022. 2.

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP.

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP.

First International Symposium of Regressive Therapy organised by the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists (ACHTEVIP).

11, 12 and 13 November 2022.

Free online event.

You can register at this link:

More information at:

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP. Invitation.

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP. Schedule 1.

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP. Schedule 2.

First International Symposium on Regressive Therapy organised by ACHTEVIP. QR Code.

Evelyn’s Evidence in Romanian language.

Evelyn’s Evidence in Romanian language.

Animated Romanian flag.Romanian language readers have now at their disposal the page on Evelyn’s evidence by Doctor Brian Weiss in their vernacular tongue. This particular case is dedicated to teaching us respect for those beings belonging to groups to which we do not belong ourselves.

We hope that the translation into several languages of the pages of our website will be an incentive for the future translation of the many books written by Soul therapists, like this one from Brian Weiss itself. We appreciate the good translation work of this case carried out by Govor Marian Cosmin.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Wednesday, October 26 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the Romanian translated page:

Respectați persoanele fizice de alte condiții. Mărturia lui Evelyn (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Acest caz al dr. Brian Weiss aparține unui pacient care aici ia numele de Evelyn, unde evident își arăta nevoia de a învăța să respecte persoanele care aparțin unui colectiv străin.
Doctorul Brian Weiss. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Multe trupuri, același suflet).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Katia’s clinical case in German language.

Katia’s clinical case in German language.

Animated German flag.We would like to inform you that we have available Katia’s Clinical Case, led by Doctor Viviana Zenteno, this time translated into the language of Goethe and Bertolt Brecht.

We thank the person who did the translation work for us for and once more, to the aforementioned therapist for offering the document for reproduction and translation.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Thursday, October 20 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the german translated page:

Katia. Klinischer Fall (Katia. A clinical case).
Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014. Therapeutin: Doktor Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) versteht in dieser Regression den Grund für den Verzicht auf eine Liebe. Vor Jahren war sie frei, aber er war es nicht, und er war eine Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens.

The cosmic credit of Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Video subtitled in Galician language.

The cosmic credit of Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Video subtitled in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.In the “Multimedia” section of our website, we have available the short explanatory video entitled “The Cosmic Credit” by Doctor José Luis Cabouli, in its version with Galician subtitles.

We thank Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his translation work, as well as to the people and organizations that made this event and the original video possible.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Wednesday, October 19 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Webpage access link to the new video:

«O crédito cósmico» polo Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Conferencia en castelán subtitulada en galego (“Cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. Conference in Spanish with Galician subtitles).
Fragmento da conferencia titulada «La vida antes de nacer» do Doutor José Luís Cabouli celebrada na Sala Polivalente del Soleràs (Las Garrigues, Cataluña) o sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020.
Perfil da publicación de «Odysee»: Animaweb. Conferencias en galego. Data de publicación en «Odysee»: Martes, 18 de outubro de 2022. Duración do video: 3 minutos e 33 segundos. Idioma: voz en castelán con subtítulos en galego.
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Regressive therapy training. October 2022 – June 2023.

Regressive therapy training. October 2022 – June 2023.

Various modalities:

  • Face-to-face.

  • On-line group or individual.

  • Face-to-face and online combined.

Psychologist Carlos González Delgado. Member A011251

Information and bookings:

+34 616 468 958

ATMA Centre in Cártama.
Diseminado Los Espartales,
Parcela 62.
29570 Cártama

centro.atma.cartamaA que

The planned meetings are:

  • Seminar 1 = 22-23 October 2022.

  • Seminar 2 = 19-20 November 2022.

  • Seminar 3 = 17-18 December 2022.

  • Seminar 4 = 14-15 January 2023.

  • Seminar 5 = 18-19 February 2023.

  • Seminar 6 = 11-12 March 2023.

  • Seminar 7 = 15-16 April 2023.

  • Seminar 8 = 6-7 May 2023.

  • Seminar 9 = 19-20-21 May 2023. (Intensive with Dr. José Luis Cabouli).

  • Seminar 10 = 24-25 June 2023.

Regressive therapy training. October 2022 - June 2023. 1.

Regressive therapy training. October 2022 - June 2023. 2.

I International Symposium on Regression Therapy organized by ACHTEVIP.

I International Symposium on Regression Therapy

Organized by ACHTEVIP.

Free online event.

November 11, 12 and 13, 2022.


The Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists, ACHTEVIP, is about to celebrate 10 years of existence, during which it has built a valuable therapeutic, academic and social project in our country and created a network with several similar organizations in the world.

This International Symposium will be held on the 11th, 12th and 13th of November 2022, via the Zoom platform, and will feature the participation of great masters of PLT from Chile and around the world, whose credentials can be found on our network.


Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

Argentina – Catalonia.

Graduate Carlos González.


Doctor Bibiana Bistrich.

Argentina – Italy.

Master Lili Bosnic.

Argentina – México.

Doctor José Manuel Calderón.


Doctor Juan José López.


Doctor Viviana Zenteno.


Doctor Roberto Brito.


Psychologist Francisco Herrera.


Registration link will be coming soon

Schedule / Hours.

Friday, November 11th, 2022.

Chile – Argentina

Spain – Italia

Alabama – México


12 h 30’ – 13 hours

16 h 30’ – 17 hours

10 h 30’ – 11 hours


13 hours – 14 hours

17 hours – 18 hours

11 hours – 12 hours

Clinical Reports 1 and 2.

14 hours – 15 hours

18 hours – 19 hours

12 hours – 13 hours

Clinical Reports 3 and 4.

15 hours – 16 hours

19 hours – 20 hours

13 hours – 14 hours

Doctor Roberto Brito MD

«Física de lo intangible, mundo cuántico y la Terapia de Vidas Pasadas»

(«Physics of the intangible, quantum world and Past Lives Therapy»).

16 hours – 16 h 30’

20 hours – 20 h 30’

14 hours – 14 h 30’

Coffe Break

16 h 30’ – 17 h 30’

20 h 30’ – 21 h 30’

14 h 30’ – 15 h 30’

Psychologist Lili Bosnic

«La mariposa debe morir».

(«The butterfly must die»).

17 h 30’ – 18 h 30’

21 h 30’ – 22 h 30’

15 h 30’ – 16 h 30’

Psychologist Carlos González

«Consciencia, Ouspenky y Terapia Regresiva»

(«Consciousness, Ouspenky and Regression Therapy»).

Saturday, November 12th.

Chile – Argentina

Spain – Italia

Alabama – México


9 hours – 9 h 30’

13 hours – 13 h 30’

7 hours – 7 h 30’


9 h 30’ – 10 h 30’

13 h 30’ – 14 h 30’

7 h 30’ – 8 h 30’

Doctor José Calderón MD

«Hacia la integridad del alma fragmentada».

(«Towards the integrity of the fragmented soul»).

10 h 30’ – 11h 30’

14 h 30’ – 15 h 30’

8 h 30’ – 9 h 30’

Doctor Viviana Zenteno MD

«El niño interior en Terapia de Vidas Pasadas»

(«The inner child in Past Lives Therapy»).

11h 30’ – 12 hours

15 h 30’ – 16 hours

9 h 30’ – 10 hours

Coffe break

12 hours – 13 hours

16 hours – 17 hours

10 hours – 11 hours

Doctor José Luís Cabouli MD

«La causa del sufrimiento»

(«The cause of suffering»).

13 hours – 14 hours

17 hours – 18 hours

11 hours – 12 hours


14 hours – 15 h 30’

18 hours – 19 h 30’

12 hours – 13 h 30’

Lecture by Award-Winning Dr. Raimond Moody.

Speech and delivery of the galvano

«Doctor Ronald Schulz 2022».

15 h 30’ – 16 hours

19 h 30’ – 20 hours

13 h 30’ – 14 hours

Coffe break

16 hours – 17 hours

20 hours – 21 hours

14 hours – 15 hours

Psychologist Francisco Herrera A.

«Sanando el abuso sexual»

(«Healing sexual abuse»).

17 hours – 18 hours

21 hours – 22 hours

15 hours – 16 hours

Clinical Reports 5 and 6.

18 hours – 18 h 30’

22 hours – 22 h 30’

16 hours – 16 h 30’

Day Closure.

Sunday, November 13th

Chile – Argentina

Spain – Italia

Alabama – México


9 hours – 9 h 30’

13 hours – 13 h 30’

7 hours – 7 h 30’


9 h 30’ – 10 h 30’

13 h 30’ – 14 h 30’

7 h 30’ – 8 h 30’

Doctor Bibiana Bistrich MD

«Fuerzas adversas en la Terapia de Vidas Pasadas. Como protegerse».

(«Adverse forces in Past Lives Therapy. How to protect yourself»).

10 h 30’ – 11 h 30’

14 h 30’ – 15 h 30’

8 h 30’ – 9 h 30’

Doctor Juan José López MD

«Evidencia: Hay vida después de la muerte».

(«Evidence: There is life after death»).

11 h 30’ – 12 hours

15 h 30’ – 16 hours

9 h 30’ – 10 hours

Coffe break

12 hours – 13 h 30’

16 hours – 17 h 30’

10 hours – 11 h 30’

Round Table

13 h 30’ – 14 hours

17 h 30’ – 18 hours

11 h 30’ – 12 hours


During the Symposium, together with world-renowned speakers, the Clinical Research Works of therapists belonging to the ACHTEVIP will be presented. Below are the topics and schedules of each speaker.

Clinical Investigations.

Friday, November 11th


13 hours – 13 h 30’

Abordaje del tabaquismo en la Terapia Regresiva (Approach to smoking in Regressive Therapy).

Corina Fernández, UPC-Transplant Nurse.

13’ h 30’ – 14 hours

Ghost, la verdadera sombra del amor (Ghost, the real shadow of love).

Margarita Briceño, English Teacher.

14 hours – 14 h 30’

Parásitos energéticos (Energetic Parasites).

Maria Amalia Jeria, Director of the Behavioral Architecture School.

14 h 30’ – 15 hours

TVP en pacientes con Diagnóstico de Insomnio (PLT in patients with Diagnosis of Insomnia).

Doctora Bibiana Bistrich et al.

Saturday, November 12th.


17 hours – 17 h 30’

Técnica de Desposesión a Distancia (Distance Dispossession Technique).

Yasmin Montenegro, Civil Engineer, Founder of the Soul Therapeutic Center.

Andrea Peña, Psychologist, Casa Magnolia Director, Founder of the Soul Therapeutic Center.

17 h 30’ – 18 hours

Abordaje de Disfunción Sexual Masculina con TVP (Approach to Masculine sexual dysfunction through PLT).

Corina Fernández, Corina Fernández, UPC-Transplant Nurse.

18 hours – 18 h 30’




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