Diploma «Past lives Therapy» Crash Course.

Dear friends:
I wish you and your families a very healthy, prosperous and loving year.
In 2021 we will surely continue with the care of this new reality, although this does not mean leaving our lives on standby and in this coming event, we will start a new training group of Past Lives Therapists.
It is not yet possible to offer this training as 100% distance learning
This is due to the fact that at the time of starting internships between peers, it is necessary to supervise each couple in order to, when necessary, support those who practice the role of a therapist at the time, with the objective of achieve a complete and effective therapeutic work on those who play the patient role.
Soul Trapping-Regression Therapy –PLT–.
It is a holistic psychotherapeutic technique that uses memory as a coping tool and encompasses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of the human being.
Our binding memories deprive us from this present life by manifesting as physical symptoms, distorting our relationships and trapping our souls in traumatic situations of this present life either during birth, early childhood or even from past lives, and play a very significant role in the gestation of our affective, relational, and physical suffering.
How to get rid of all of these? PLT has the answer.
With this technique, the person revives significant and traumatic events from the past; whether from the early years of this life, birth, intrauterine stage, or past lives. It is the emotional charge of these episodes that still remains active and influences today’s life, causing physical or emotional pain, blockages, anxiety, panic, phobias…
This therapy stands out due to the depth of its approach. By re-experiencing the traumatic event, the trapped energy is released producing a far-reaching therapeutic effect, and the subject can move forward with a firm step towards his or her life purpose, in the present life.
Learning how to heal from own experience.
This education aims to train you as a Past Lives Therapist.
However, it is necessary to first detect our own blind spots where we all are trapped. We can not help others to heal if we don’t heal ourselves first; because the patient can only reach as far as the therapist has come.
This personal enrichment is given through demonstrative regressions carried out by Lili Bosnic on each of the participants and then in practice among peers.
During training all energies are concentrated on learning, practice and the inner process of each individual.
It is a unique experience of learning and inner work at the same time, no participant completes the education being the same individual as before start.
Responsible commitment is required in order to attend all modules of the education, because if you miss a module you don’t only lose part of your training but also affects the whole group, since internships are in pairs.
Crash course.
This crash course is aimed at people who come, in general, from the different states of Mexico and from abroad and as in the 2020 edition, there will be 2 modules instead of 3.
The modules will be held at Tapalehui, at the Center for Human Development facilities, located in Xoxocotla, Morelos, Mexico.
In the first instance it is the responsibility of everyone to arrive in perfect health.
The site where our souls will be allowed to heal traumatic trappings is located in the middle of a hill, surrounded by lots of greenery, a stream and where there are no contagions due to being located away from agglomerations.
The group will be limited to a maximum of 12 participants in order to allow a closer relationship with each of the integrating members, the work room is spacious and although the rooms are shared, they have plenty of room..
Our catering will be prepared on a daily basis with local vegetables and fruits from the community, fresh natural waters… all very homemade and with an exquisite flavor.
Course Syllabus
Participants introduction.
Past Lives Therapy Introduction.
Foundational Principles.
Timeless soul dimension and its therapeutic implications.
Consciousness trapping.
Symptoms and responsable experience.
Expanded states of consciousness.
Relaxation induction techniques.
Regression basic technique and its varieties.
The first witness: Anamnesis in PLT.
Therapeutic work of past lives experiences.
Death and the space between lives.
Fetal life and birth.
Childhood traumatic experiences.
Clinic symptoms induced by energies from other dimensions.
Therapeutic work with lost souls.
Handling of energies and psychic work.
Deals, promises, oaths and curses.
Soul fragmentation and recovery.
Alien abduction syndrome.
Clinic manifestations and sequels work in abducted subjects.
Energetic strings rupture.
Culmination of monitoring practices
Supervision and final evaluation among the participants.
Course closure and certificate delivery.
The meeting point is scheduled for Monday, August 23rd at 1 pm in Vila Coapa, south of Mexico City.
The return will be on Monday, August 30th, leaving Tapalehui around 3 p.m.
Fee: $ 30.500,00 / 1.520 USD.
10 days of intensive training and personal growth.
8 nights accommodation in a shared room
Breakfasts, snacks , meals, dinners.
Round trip transportation from the meeting point, south of Mexico City, to Tapalehui.
Diploma certificate.
T/C with additional 4%.
Tips not included.
Required mandatory readings:
Terapia de Vidas Pasadas, técnica y práctica. (Teràpia de Vides Passades, tècnica i pràctica. Author: Doctor José Luis Cabouli.
La vida antes de nacer (La vida abans de néixer). Author: Doctor José Luis Cabouli.
Terapia de la posesión espiritual. (Teràpia de la possessió espiritual). Author: Doctor José Luis Cabouli.
Books are available in the following store:
Final evaluation.
To obtain the Certificate that qualifies as a Past Lives Therapist the following requirements must be meet:
Have attended 9 out of the10 monthly modules and the 2 intensive modules.
Perform at least 10 regressions of practice as a patient and 10 regressions as a therapist with classmates, within the practices of the Diploma.
Perform the practice tasks suggested by the Teacher, outside the Diploma.
Have paid the entire Diploma fee
Demonstrate, through peer practice, understanding and good use of the technique.
Admission and i requirements.
This training is aimed primarily at psychologists, doctors and therapists from other unconventional disciplines and there are no formal curricular requirements for taking the Diploma.
Since there is limited number of participants per course, we ask you to proceed as follows:
Please write to info@lilibosnic.com expressing your interest in receiving PLT training in the chosen mode (monthly or 2 modules with internship) and form of payment.
Prior to registration an appointment with Lili Bosnic is required which can be in person, by WS or Skype.
Complete and submit the registration form for:
Registration Form.
Trust, your soul knows… colibrí.
Timetable: Please check on the information
First week from 23rd to 27th of August 2021.
Second week from 8th to 12th of November 2021.
Location: Tapalehui, Center of Human Development in Xoxocotla, Morelos, Mèxico.
Hand sheet: Download in Spanish language
Link to the original entry in Spanish language:
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.