Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch.

Martin Roesch mental-spiritual Psycho-Oncology.

The Underestimated Hidden Influence of Energetic Force Fields (Non-Self-Energies and Blockages) in our Physical Bodies.

18, 19, 20 October 2024.

Mornings from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Afternoons from 16 to 20 h.

Face-to-face and online.

ATMA Center of Cartama.

+34 616 468 958.

Languages: English with Spanish Translation.

The price is 350€ for the public and 300€ for members of AETR, ACHTEVIP, AATVP and EARTH.

Diseminado los Espartales
Parcela, 62
29570 Cártama

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch.

Organisers: ATMA Centre of Cártama (Málaga-Spain).

Headquarters of the Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy.

We humans are body, mind, and spirit. This seminar is about investigating the underlying driving forces that push a body into developing adverse effects like a chronic disease. Such causes may have their origin in the life of a patient (sometimes as fas as back as baby age or even embryonic stages) but just as well epigenetic factors can be detected, truly originating in preceding last generations of our ancestors. There are energetic force fields in our bodies and some of them do not belong to our own genuine being. These in time can exert adverse effects on our physical body. The fact that we cannot see such force fields does not imply they do not exist. However, there ara techniques to identity them, and more importantly, how to change them and gently lift them out of one’s body.

While clinical medicine thankfully treats the body but, in most cases, only the symptoms! This approach of energy assessment, extraction, and integration will be demonstrated in this October on-site seminar in Cártama and aims for uncovering underlying causes. Just as important, however, is the next step: what techniques can support a patient in their effort to change? The seminar will be highly practical with predominantly life examples and hands-on opportunities to apply the techniques among participants. Furthermore, Martin will present a few cases from his work with these techniques on cancer patients to show the potential of this method in controlling adverse health situations.

Energetic force fields are largely underestimated and have a huge potential in bodily change, with healing being only one form. Just observe and experience the seminar!

Anyone is welcome to join!

Martin Roesch Mental-Spiritual Psycho-Oncology.

Martin is working as a psycho-oncologist, (his clients being predominantly cancer patients).

He uses regressions therapy and energy techniques to allow his patients to access their own deeper layers of consciousness to unfold the immense potential of one’s spirit. Martin is a regular member of a multidisciplinary tumor board.

Martin has an MBA (business and psychology) and he has lived in Switzerland, the United States, India, and in Germany, his home country. Martin is a professional member of EARTh (European Association of Regression Therapy), of IPOS (international Psycho-Oncology Society), and of ESIO (European Society of Integrated Oncology).

He has lectured at numerous conferences, published various articles, and wrote a 500-page book (in German) including 70 cancer cases, titled Negotiating with Death: Exploring Our Deeper Layers of Consciousness.
78464 Konztanz – Germany

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024. 1.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024. 2.

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Athanor magazine in Rumanian.

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Athanor magazine in Rumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.The interview made by the Athanor magazine to Doctor Brian Weiss is already available in Rumanian. We give thanks for the good translation work to Govor Marian Cosmin.

The team of the “In body and soul” web.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
Translation of the entry into English by Loto Perrella.

Link to the new translation into Rumanian:

Întoarcerea la pace. Interviu cu Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Revista Athanor. Numărul 35. Septembrie-octombrie 2002. Paginile 15-18.
Intervievator: Josep Agustín. Interpret: Loto Perrella. Fotograf: Natalia Campoy.
Cum să fii împăcat cu tine însuți și, în consecință, cu totul, este probabil formula magică cea mai căutată de ființele umane dintotdeauna. Când am fost întâmpinați de Dr. Brian Weiss la hotel și pe parcursul întregului interviu, am fost însoțiți de caracterul calm, amabil și afectuos al acestei persoane (…).
Traducere în limba română: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Website “In body & soul” in Ukrainian.

Website “In body & soul” in Ukrainian.

Animated Ukrainian flag.We inform you that we already have the first pages of our website In body & soul in Ukrainian. This makes fourteen languages in our website. We are grateful to Victoria Slatina for her good translation work into Ukrainian.

It is necessary to make available the so-called soul therapies in the languages of the countries touched by war, for three reasons:

First. To make known the Past lives Therapy (PLT). Both the men at war and the civilian population go through traumatic events because of the violence of weapons. The PLT enables to cure or heal the traumatic events, whether they were produced in the present time life, or in past incarnations.

Second. To make known the Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT). When somebody dies in a war zone, their soul may or may not go to the light that appears at the time of death. If they don’t go, they may go to the aura or the ethereal body of a live person in the conflict zone, who is often also under a trauma, becoming a parasite on his energy and modifying his behaviour. The SPT helps this being to find his way and to set free the person possessed. The being can then move forward to the spiritual dimension, in order to reincarnate afterwards so as to obtain a new body, new parents, a new family and a new life, which will allow him carry on his learning within the cycle of consecutive incarnations.

Third. Let us imagine, within the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, a Ukrainian woman outraged by a Russian soldier, or a Russian woman outraged by a Ukrainian soldier. In which language would they like to access this information? In the language if their wrongdoer? No! In their own language. It is therefore necessary to have this information available in the different languages of the conflicting parties.

The “In body & soul” website team.
Friday, August 23st, 2024.
Translation of the reference to the English language: Loto Perrella.

The links to the newly translated pages into Ukrainian are:

Цілі (Aims).

Заклик (Call).

Интерв’ю (Interviews).

Брайан Вейсс: «Ми душі, і ми переходимо з тіла в тіло» (Brian Weiss: “We are souls going from one body to the next”).
Газета Каталунії. Гаспар Ернандес. Середа, 21 січня 2009 року. Відгук. Сторінка 80.
Інтерв’ю з Браяном Вейссом, психіатром і фахівцем з регресивної терапії. У Сполучених Штатах він прийняв понад 4000 пацієнтів які мають спогади про їхні минулі життя.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Цитати та свідчення (Appointments and testimonials).

Поважати людей в інших положеннях. Свідоцтво Евелін (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Ця справа доктра Браяна Вейсса належить пацієнтці, яка в цьому випадку взяла ім’я Евелін, цій випадок показує необхідність навчитися поважати людей, які належать до інших груп (…).
Доктор Браян Вейсс. Багато тіл, одна душа. Перше видання каталонською мовою в м’якій обкладинці від видавництва Zeta. Сторінки з 65 по 74.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Випадок негайної реенкарнації у в межах однієї сімейної групи. Терапія Минулих Життів (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
Від Леопольда Лаґе, Мерло, Сан-Луис, Аргентина.
Марсела (45 років) прийшла на прийом з метою попрацювати над своєю фобією собак. Вже багато років її сини, дванадцятирічний і дев’ятирічний, заявляли, що хочуть собаку як домашню тварину, але Марсела дуже боялася собак, до такого ступеня, що не могла ходити сама у своєму районі, де багато бездомних собак. Марсела хотіла позбутися цього надокучливого страху, який змушував її діяти майже смішно, коли вона натикалася на будь-якого пса, незалежно від його розміру чи обставин (…).
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Мультимедія (Multimedia).

«Космічний кредит» від доктора Луїса Кобоулі. Конференція каталонською мовою з українськими субтитрами (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Ucranian subtitles).
Фрагмент конференції під назвою «Життя перед народженням» доктора Луїса Кобоулі, проведений у Залі Поліевалент Солерас (Лас Гаррігес, Каталунія), у суботу, 29 серпня 2020 року (…).
Профіль видання «Brighteon»: Animaweb. Конференції українською. Дата публікації в «Brighteon»: П’ятниця, 23 серпня 2023 р. Тривалість відео: 3 хвилини 33 секунди. Мова: звук на кастильській з українськими субтитрами.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Дякую (Thanks).

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.

Model: Carlota Wetzel. Photo: Marc Wetzel.Model: Carlota Wetzel. Photo: Marc Wetzel.

Guía & Ocio Lleida, April 2005.


Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.

Many of us have cycles in our lives that we don’t know how to put an end to. Traumatic events of childhood, some family trends, inadequacies or excesses in our upbringing, injustices, losses, and so on, which may cause future constraints, dependence and depression. Gestalt coaxes us to become conscious of our patterns, of the character we have created for ourselves, and helps us to close cycles properly. We are in front of a shop window and we see something we like. What happens when we focus our attention on that object? We see it, we appreciate it in the foreground, but behind it there is a background, a framework of thousands of things which may be there, or may be happening: there are many other things in the window, people inside the shop, people going by, a bus at the bus stop, two men talking at the corner… From the background, or from the structure, a shape has come forward which commands our attention and which stands in the foreground.

Gestalt therapy is based on this notion of background and shape to explain how we fulfil our needs. For example, somebody is thirsty. That is the shape: a need which has come to the forefront from the background. It is urgent to quench the thirst, which has appeared as a physical manifestation. Immediately the person becomes aware: “I am thirsty”. He hurries up and looks for water. Finally he finds it, drinks and quenches his thirst. The cycle, or “shape” of thirst has been closed. This explains very well this therapy. Gestalt means “shape or set-up”, and its aim is to help people to close cycles. But sometime the unfinished cycles are not that easy to close as for example quenching our thirst: some life cycles have not been closed, perhaps because we were children and we didn’t know how to do it. The difficulties found in childhood and the way they were confronted may cause the person to feel an inner emptiness which one does not know how to fill. Then constraints start, addictions, or a depression… there may be many symptoms. How do we close this cycle?

An experiential therapy.

In the Gestalt Therapy the patient does not simply talk about what is going on. The therapist asks the patient in the first place to bring his attention to the here and now, to his sensations, his body, his gestures. After that he may suggest a number of resources to name a feeling: “I feel a tightness in my chest”, says the patient. The therapist suggests to visualize that which is weighing him down. For example, it may be an enormous rock. The patient may give a voice to that rock. If it had a voice, what would it say? So, in the course of a Gestalt session, which is an experiential therapy, the patient is led to live such an experience, not just to talk about it. Because, when we talk we make speeches, ideology, on what is going on, and even if words are essential to integrate that which we are going through, we must be careful so that they don’t deviate us from that which is essential. Therefore, the therapist is also mindful of the way the patient if going through the experience. In Gestalt it is said that people take different positions to face life situations, but many times these positions are “forgeries” of what we really are. We have made up a character for ourselves which faces situations from a sense of justice, dictator like, complaining, aggressive, invading, victim… But are we really that way, or is it “convenient” for us to be that way? In this sense Gestalt suggests to the patient to become conscious of such patterns and to discover all the rolls, because once they are acknowledged, all the rolls become resources.

Therapy resources.

Let us imagine the case of a patient who still has strong feelings with respect to old childhood scenes in which his parents are implied. The “problem” is his parents are dead… How do you close this cycle? Some times it is a simple as to ask the patient to speak up all that he has bottled up for so many years (that is why he feels a tightness in his chest).

To this end, Gestalt uses several resources, all of them extremely inventive: psychodrama or expressive techniques, visualizations, guided imagination, or the technique of the hot chair and the empty chair, among many others.

In this way the patient may sit on the hot chair and put his father on the empty chair. It is time to tell him what he has not been able to say before. The patient pours out his heart… and then sits on the empty chair, taking his father’s place.

What would his father say? What was actually wrong? Perhaps things cannot be solved in one session, but the patient will have been able to see new angles and to lessen the weight. At this moment the shape looses energy and little by little goes to the background. Then the cycle is closed.

Text: Joan Garriga (director of Instituto Gestalt Barcelona).
Joan Garriga Bacardi.

Thrapies, workshops and training in Lleida: Coaching Lleida & Isuri Gestalt Lleida. Chus Borrell Feliu.
Chus Borrell Feliu.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

Published on magazine Guía & Ocio Lleida. April 2005. No. 39. Pages 128-129.

Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

YouTube” user profile: Más allá de la conciencia. Uploaded date on “YouTube“: Monday, July 8 of 2024. Duration: 52 minutes and 23 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Another Near Death Experience (NDE).

This time we chat with María Blázquez, a person who, from a very young age, remembers this magical and transformative experience when experiencing a moment of absolute happiness and indescribable love.

Welcome to “Más allá de la conciencia” (“Beyond consciousness”).

Thank you for existing.


Everyone has the right to an opinion and to be respected, even if their ideas are not the same.

Director: David Payá.
Edition: David Payá.
Guest: María Blázquez González.
Voice over: Eva Galera, María Blázquez González.

Post translation to English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Ennio d’Alba Interview

Ennio d’Alba Interview

Introductory note

Ennio d'Alba.Ennio d’Alba’s spiritual system works on a number of regressions. But these regressions are not meant to find out if in the past we were Napoleon or Cleopatra (quite funnily, when doing a regression everybody find they were a famous character…). This is a regression where the person tries to establish, or re-establish, a fusion with their subconscious, which is the one to guide and to counsel in this life. To this end it is necessary to carry out several sessions, during which the instructor will lead us to another dimension, where we will receive information and advice which will be useful in our life, and which will lead us (if we so wish) to engage in a spiritual path.

There are many sorts of regression, and many masters, each one with his system and his purpose. The one pursued by Ennio d’Alba is unique, and in Spain the only person qualified and entitled to carry out these regressions is Loto Perrella, who worked many years with him in Barcelona assisting him during the sessions where she acted as translator, and in Rome where she travelled regularly. She also translated into Spanish his book “Il risveglio della divinità nell’uomo” (The awakening of divinity in man), and who was with him in his last days (2022).

Loto Perrella.
Barcelona. Tuesday, April 2, 2024.


This short fascicle1 is different from the others, because of the need which appeared when Ennio d’Alba entitled some of his disciples to perform as instructors of his method.

For the first time then the instructor had to answer his students’ questions who, rightfully, wanted to know who was Ennio d’Alba, from which schools came his teachings, which masters taught him: in short, which had been his spiritual path.

And so we asked Ennio d’Alba himself in an interview, which he kindly granted us, the information we had been asked, so as to be able to give exact answers.

This interview was registered on 18th February 2003, and this fascicle is the result.

Marinella Bonasso & Anna Maria Venturini

His life

Ennio Cafagna, whose mystical name is Ennio d’Alba, was born in Rome on 26th September 1926. He grew in a family which gave him an education in accordance with his time, with a great concern for his physical wellbeing but little attention to the sensitivity and psychological needs of the child.

He was an introverted child, he felt lonely and little understood by his strict parents who tried to subdue him even with bodily punishments, being his will already well developed, so he resorted to his imagination of which he was well-endowed. He was also very curious and unceasingly asking questions from everybody.

At school he does little, during the whole of primary school and the first two years of secondary school the teachers find no interest in a pupil which appears absentminded and they give him bad notes.

In that time, creative imagination and visualization were meaningless words, but that was the issue. The child however finds finally a teacher, an intelligent priest, who understands him and helps him to undertake his studies seriously.

At 12 he feels the need to read unusual books which will take him on a path he feels is his, and along which he still gropes along.

He feels an interest especially for yoga, of which he does also the exercises, and for theosophy. At that time in Rome it wasn’t easy to find that sort of books, only a few bookshops had them. He found one in Piazza Colonna and became a regular customer.

Those years flow peacefully, among friends and books, he likes girls, falls easily in love, and idealizes the recipient of his love.

Then the pursuits he had as a teenager become secondary in face of life’s priorities. He marries young and leaves Rome to settle in another town because of his work.

But his marriage does not work and there is a breakup.

This separation, with the disappointment and the pain it causes, is a very important feature in his life, it compels him to look inside and to take up again his inner quest.

His spiritual journey

At that time Ennio reads very much, he learns a lot from Eastern and Western philosophies, he takes interest in ancient mystery schools and in Hermetic Philosophy, and, “by chance” he finds in a magazine an ad of a Rosicrucian school which he immediately joins.

The school improves his esoteric and hermetic knowledge, but to attain the 12 initiations he must travel to Lugano at regular intervals.

In the meantime he meditates and in his meditation he gets in touch with Brunilde, his Subconscious, which in the first encounter appears to him dressed like a warrior and starts to guide him to recover ancient initiations from past lives, and to suggest the stages which, along many years and with many successive modifications, will become the “spiritual” path which we know at present.

Brunilde watches over him, for many years she is his master, because Ennio, exceptionally, and contrary to what it has been for all of us, never had a human master to shorten his journey. From her he is also inspired to write the poems which he starts to publish.

On Brunilde’s advice he chooses his mystical name, which substitutes his own according to custom, to operate in the spiritual field.

On one occasion, Ennio is at Alba, in Piedmont. Suddenly he is aware, on the cathedral façade, of the image of the four Evangelists under the shape of their respective token animals, each one symbolizing one of the four constellations which make up the “great fixed cross” of astrology: Aquarius, Leo, Ox (Taurus), Scorpio, whose symbol is the Eagle. In Italian their first letters make the name ALBA.

The Evangelists are also the symbol of the four elements: air, fire, water and earth, these elements are also represented by each of the Hebrew letters which make the name of Jahve. As a symbol it is a full image of Creation, and then he understands the reason of his name, that Brunilde suggested.

In those days he lectures, he organizes seminars where they also practice visualization, and tries to spread what he has learned, that now has become an intimate part of him.

Ennio D’Alba – [vol. 1.]: Il risveglio della divinità nell’uomo: la via dell’amore-conoscenza – Roma: Fermenti, 1988. Cover. Italian.He also writes some of his notebooks2, and starts his first book, “Il Risveglio della divinità nell’uomo3, which later will be translated into German and later into Spanish, and later the second part of it.

Also in that time he gets in touch with some shaman masters (in flesh and blood this time) and, even if he thinks that that is not the best way for the westerners’ frame of mind, he learns useful teachings from them.

In Lugano Ennio reaches the 12th degree, that is the last Rosicrucian initiation and, on that occasion, he meets his personal Master.

The Master looks at him as if searching his soul, he looks fixedly into his eyes and then disappears, leaving him disappointed, wrongly believing he has not been accepted.

He discusses the matter with his instructors and realizes that none of them has ever reached that standard. The Master he saw is an utter stranger to him and only later, “by chance” will he see his picture together with other Masters in a book on a bookstall… of course he buys it.

It is the master Lahiri Mahasaya, a disciple of Babaji, who lived in the East, and who keeps appearing to him also later, taking turns with the other masters in the picture.

Now his Rosicrucian path is finished. It has given him mainly a cultural training, as the esoteric teachings of the school have been few, excluding the initiation rituals which, however, were not explained. There was much pageant and little essence.

But these things have sparked off in him a sort of spring and, chiefly, have taken him to Switzerland.

Lugano is a set point in his route, his Master has done so as to have him arrive at the right moment.

I met the right persons”, says Ennio, “I went to the right places,… everything started there. I met a lady who smoothed the way for me and introduced me to the right persons. Everything was born there.”

She introduces him to people in Locarno, people who help him to start the first sessions as an instructor, always individual one, to test on others the route which his Subconscious had him do in the past.

Also through the people he meets in Switzerland he gets in touch with an American esoteric association called BOTA, the “Builders of the Adytum”, that is the Builders of the Inner Temple, and, on their request, he starts translating for the Italian students the lectures that the association sends to its French students.

He carries out this job in a short time, as they have asked him. It is an exhausting job but it improves his knowledge of the four hermetic sciences: Alchemy, Tarot, Cabala and Astrology, and this helps him to put together the several pieces of the esoteric-hermetic outlook of the world.

In those years Ennio is not yet what is considered a “realized master”, that is the step from his personal Master to the Cosmic Master, with the following identification with Him, has not yet taken place. But helping others quickens his route.

Finally, at seventy, Ennio is a Master.

Thanks to his interest, originally cultural but which came from deep within, to his studies, to his meditation supported by an iron will to carry on, without any help from an outer instructor, he has been able to carry out his task in this incarnation, the last one as a human being. Now he can also show to others, fully, the initiation route on the “Spiritual Path”.


And now
that I have
completed this life
I look at myself
as from the outside
and marvel
at the Great Work
carried out in me
thanks to You, My Lord.
It is a huge and powerful building,
eternal and immortal,
a god among mortals
present in several worlds
to manifest, in Thy Service,
Your Glory in creation
to be able to heal and harmonize all,
eliminating dullness
from human minds,
the only present disorder on this earth
among so much order in the universe.


1 2I Quaderni” by Ennio d’Alba, printed by him. “I Quaderni” are a support to personal sessions. There are 42 of them.

3 Ennio d’Alba – “El despertar de la divinidad en el hombre” (Volume 1). Spanish translation. Barcelona, Ediciones Abraxas, 2000. Volume 2: not translated.

4 The poem is by Ennio d’Alba.

The scientific evidence that reincarnation exists. “Nude Project” interview with Doctor Manuel Sans Segarra.

The scientific evidence that reincarnation exists. “Nude Project interview with Doctor Manuel Sans Segarra.

YouTube” user profile: NUDE PROJECT. Date of upload on “YouTube: Sunday, March 3, 2024. Duration: 1 hour, 33 minutes and 7 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Doctor Manel Sans Segarra visits the Nude Project podcast to describe his greatest discovery during his last years as a surgeon: Near Death Experiences (NDEs). After performing life-and-death operations to his patients, those told him of seeing the state in the afterlife… Which awakened his passion to scientifically answer many questions. Does another dimension exist? Who created the universe? Do humans reincarnate?

Clarification: Astronomer Edwin Hubble lived between 1889 and 1953.

Listen to this episode in Spotify:

Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton for Wisdom Magazine in Romanian language.

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton for Wisdom Magazine in Romanian language.

Animated Romanian flag.We are glad to inform you that Romanian language readers already have available in this language the interview given by Doctor Michael Newton and conducted by Mary Arsenault for Wisdom Magazine.

Widsom Magazine. Logo.We thank Govor Marian Cosmin for the translation work, which allows us to expand the knowledge about this regression therapist specialized in the period between two lives.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Monday March 11, 2024.
Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the page newly translated into Romanian:

Mintea: un interviu cu Dr. Michael Newton, de Mary Arsenault (The Mind: An interview with Doctor Michael Newton, by Mary Arsenault).
Widsom Magazine (Revista Wisdom). Miercuri, 1 decembrie 2004.
În 1994, viața așa cum o știm, cu toate întrebările sale chinuitoare despre motivul pentru care suntem aici și unde ne îndreptăm, a luat sfârșit odată cu publicarea cărții Călătoria sufletelor a doctorului Michael Newton. În această carte (…).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Training in regression therapy. Starting February-March 2024.

Training in regression therapy. Starting February-March 2024.

Psychologist Carlos González Delgado AO11251

Online and/or hybrid modality (face-to-face).

The calendar will be flexible and agreed among the registrants.

Program on our website:

Information and reservations:

+34 616468958

Disseminat Los Espartales.
Parcela 62
29570 Cártama

Atma Center of Cártama.
Headquarters of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR).

Post translation into English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Training in regression therapy. Starting February-March 2024.

Interview by Terra Networks and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno in Basque language.

Interview by Terra Networks and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno in Basque language.

Animated Basque flag.All Internet users of Basque language have at their disposal the interview given by Carmen Luz Heredia to Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks from Chile as well as the Katia’s Evidence case of the aforementioned therapist. We thank Iraide López de Gereñu for the translation work.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Tuesday February 20, 2024.
Post translation into English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the pages newly translated into Basque:

Viviana Zenteno Doktorea. Arimaren terapiak diren birargitaratzeak (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Terra Networks Chilek emandako elkarrizketa. Egilea: Carmen Luz Heredia.
Osteguna, 2010ko maiatzaren 6an.
Teknika honen bidez, iragana orainarekin nahasten da eta kontzientean ez dauden gertaera batzuk aktibatzen dira.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Katia. Kaso klinikoa (Katia. A clinical case).
Asteazkena, 2014ko urriak 1ean. Terapeuta: Viviana Zenteno Doktorea.
Katia (45) birargitaratze honetan maitasun bati uko egitearen arrazoia ulertzen du. Duela urte batzuk bera aske zegoen, baina bere mutila ez, eta bikotea gainera irudi publiko bat zen.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.