Book News from Malaga…

Book News from Malaga…

Twelve Therapists Try out the Ragressions Therapy.

Twelve Therapists Try out the Ragressions Therapy. Cover in Spanish.

News from Malaga. ATMA Centre, seat of the Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) [Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy]. First book on Regressions Therapy published by our Association. This work has been coordinated by Carlos González Delgado, in cooperation with 12 experts specialized in Regressions Therapy, and members of our Association.

The authors of this work are: Andrés Lagar, Carlos González, Chelo Rodríguez, Gina Rodríguez, José Luis Cabouli; Leopoldo Cebellos, Luisa Estremera, Maithe Pardo, María José Panero, Sergi Estrany, Sonia Tapiador and Susana Villegas.

If you want to know more about the Regressions Therapy, we suggest you read our book with its over 300 pages. It contains literal transcripts of the regressions, comments by the specialists and real evidence from the patients themselves. It shows the great effectiveness of this technique in a very great variety of therapeutic situations.

You may buy the book, with its high quality presentation, from the co- authors or in any bookshop. Do not forget that the presentations offered through the net may lack their flaps and be of a lower quality.

This publication has been paid for by the co-authors themselves and the copyrights have been fully handed over to the AETR. As president of the AETR, I wish to thank for their generosity all the co-authors of the work, and at the same time to acknowledge the high professional level they have attained, which is clearly shown in its pages.

Great blessings for all the clients of our services, for all the co-authors of this work and for all the members of AETR. Together we keep moving forward.

Book: Experiencia de doce terapeutas de la terapia regresiva. Coordinator: Carlos González Delgado.

Date of creation in Facebook: Saturday, 11th June 2022, at 10.01 a.m. Date of creation in Odyssee: Saturday, 11th June 2022. Length: 1 minute 59 seconds. Language: Spanish.


Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by El Periódico in German language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by El Periódico in German language.

Animated German flag.The interview conducted by Gaspar Hernández to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by the newspaper «El Periódico de Catalunya» is now available in German language. We would like to thank the person who did the translation for the good work.

We also would like to remind you that our website will directly display the sections of its pages if a large screen display is used. On small screens, a button labeled «Menu» will appear. By pressing this button, you can expand or pick up the sections that allow access to the different pages in the website.

In body and soul” websites’ team.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into German language:

José Luis Cabouli: „Die Seele ist der Fahrer; der Körper, das Fahrzeug“ (“The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle”).
Die Zeitung «El Periódico de Catalunya». Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2008.
José Luis Cabouli praktiziert die Therapie vergangener Leben. Er ist Arzt und Chirurg der Seele. Er geht davon aus, dass Reinkarnation existiert und arbeitet mit Patienten, die die Last von Traumata aus anderen Leben tragen.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Basque language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Basque language.

Animated Basque flag.Basque language Internet users can already find the interview given to Doctor Cabouli conducted by the journalist Lluís Amiguet in the section La Contra of the newspaper La Vanguardia.

We are grateful to Iraide López de Gereñu for this accurate translation of the first interview given by this soul therapist.

In body and soulwebsites’ team.
Sunday, June 12, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque language:

José Luis Cabouli: «Zure egoak ez du egia osoa jasaten» (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Larunbata, 2003ko abuztuaren 23an. La Contra.
52 urte ditut. Buenos Airesen jaio nintzen. Zirujau plastikoa nintzen, baina aberasten ez diren horietakoa, eta gaur egun terapeuta erregresiboa naiz. 10 hilabeteko seme bat daukat eta 20 urteko beste seme bat. Bizitza honetan aurreko bizitzetako akatsak garbitzen ditugula uste dut, maitasunez zuzendu behar ditugunak eta trauma izugarriak, non gure kontzientziak gogoratzen dituenean ekidin behar dituenak (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

II International Symposium on Regression Therapy. 24/25/26‑6‑2022.

II International Symposium on Regression Therapy. 24/25/26‑6‑2022.

II International Symposium on Regression Therapy.

III AETR Annual Meeting.

Open and free event1.

You can now register for this year’s Symposium on June 24, 25 and 26, 2022.

This year we will have two live demonstrations on regression techniques and we are hosting: Doctor José Luis Cabouli, Graduate Andy Tomlinson, Graduate Marion Boon, Doctor Juan José López Martínez, Graduate Carlos González Delgado, Graduate Jorge Luis Micheli, Graduated Leopoldo Ceballos del Castillo, Doctor Sonia Andrés Espallardo, Graduate Heike Bettendorf, Doctor Laura Cristina Mejía and Therapist Jesús María Carrizo.

On our website in Spanish language you can find all the related information, schedules, speakers, etcetera:

Link to the 18-page PDF document in Spanish with all the information of the symposium:

At the end of this post you can find the program and schedule for the entire Symposium.

If you speak fluent English, have a good internet connection and have any important issue to solve through regression therapy you can request an online regression session with the well-known therapist Andy Tomlinson (more information in Andy‘s note below).

We kindly remind you that the details to connect to the Symposium by Zoom will be sent a few days before the start of the Symposium.

New. This year the preliminary recordings of all the presentations will be available in 10 days, as private videos, only for registrants.

For any additional information:

Whatsapp and Cellphone: (+34) 616.468.958.


infoA que

Warm regards and the greatest blessings for life.

Carlos González Delgado.

President of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR).

For the english regression session volunteer, note from Andy Tomlinson:

I am looking for a volunteer for my demonstration in the symposium, ideally with a repetitive current emotional issue such as powerlessness, anger, fear, sadness, or an unexplainable physical symptom such as migraine, shoulder tension, or just feeling low in energy. You will need to be fluent in English and be open to possible current life memories surfacing, although the symposium attendees will be asked to keep this information confidential“.

If you are interested, please drop an email to:

voluntarioA que

Symposium program and schedule:

In addition to watching the entire Symposium through Zoom, you can attend in person at the Atma Center at Guindos avenue, 20, 2nd Left, headquarters of the AETR in Malaga, to witness live the presentations of Doctor Sonia Andres Espallardo, Graduate Leopoldo Ceballos del Castillo, Graduate Heike Bettendorf and Graduate Carlos González. If you wish, you can also see through a screen installed in the facilities, all other interventions that will be carried out online from abroad.

Friday, June 24, 2022.

16h15′. Attendants reception.

16h30′. Symposium Opening and AETR Presentation.

16h55′. 5 minutes break.

17h00′. Andy Tomlinson. Regression techniques live demonstration with an online volunteer by means of regression therapy internet adapted techniques.

18h15′.15 minutes break.

18h30′. Andy Tomlinson. Online presentation in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish: “Soul evolution with regression therapy“.

19h30′. 15 minutes break.

19h45′. Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Online presentation: “Soul entrapment“.

20h30′. Day closure.

Saturday, June 25, 2022.

09h15′. On site attendees reception, connection with the online attendees.

09h30′. Doctor Sonia Andrés Espallardo. Online and on site presentation: “What the soul is telling“.

10h30′. 15 minutes break.

10h45′. Graduated Marion Boon. Online presentation in English with simultaneous translation into spanish: “Clarity versus darkness“.

12h30′. 15 minutes break.

12h45′. Graduated Leopoldo Ceballos del Castillo. Online and on site presentation: “Breaking free from family burdens by means of regression therapy“.

13h45′. Lunch.

16h00′. Attendees reception.

16h15′. Graduated Jorge Luis Micheli. Online presentation: “Lost souls attached to alive persons’ energetic field“.

17h45′. 15 minutes break.

18h00′. Doctor Laura Cristina Mejía de Castro. Presentation: “Epigenetics and the results obtained in regression therapy“.

19h00′. Break.

19h15′. Therapist Jesús María Carrizo. Online presentation: “Interacting with lost souls, triggering and adverse energies“.

20h15′. Day closure.

Sunday, June 26, 2022.

09h15′. On site attendees reception, connection with the online attendees.

09h30′. AETR book presentation

10h30′. 15 minutes break.

10h45′. Graduated Heike Bettendorf. Online and on site presentation: ATR (Accident Trauma Release): “Liberation from the trauma caused by accidents and surgeries“, and live session with a person chosen from among the attendees.

10h30′. 15 minutes break.

12h45′. Doctor Juan José López Martinez. Online presentation: “Life starts before birth and does not end with death“.

13h45′. 15 minutes break.

14h00′. Graduated Carlos González Delgado. Online and on site presentation: “Imaginary regression therapy“.

15h00′. Symposium closure.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.


1 Donations to cover expenses will be appreciated. We ask for your generous and voluntary donation to cover the expenses involved in organizing the event. For donations, click on the following link. Thank you:

Introduction to regression therapy.

Introduction to regression therapy.

On site and online.

Aimed to people who are interested in learning about this technique and all those who are considering professional training in this discipline.

Introductory course whose content is essentially practical with professional regression sessions to the attendees made by drawing lots.

Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, June 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

San Jose Street, 21-23, Seville.

Scholar: Carlos González Delgado.
Collegiate psychologist AO-11251

Information: +34.637.87.66.66
rincondekikoA que


ATMA Center.

El rincón de Kiko.
New awareness.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Introduction to regressive therapy. Seville, 11/12-6-2022.

From Malaga to everybody…

From Malaga to everybody…

Carlos González Delgado. From Malaga to everybody.

Speaking: Carlos González Delgado, president of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR), from Misericordia Beach, in Malaga. He explains that, thanks to his work with human souls, regression therapy helps to heal the suffering caused during pregnancy, birth, childhood and adulthood. Approximately seventy to eighty percent of patients heal suffering phenomena originating in previous lives. Regardless of whether or not one believes in past lives, these experiences are in the person’s unconscious and for the individual these experiences are real.

A new training group is presented in Malaga throughout the months of June, July and August 2022, to continue in the following months. This training is open to both therapists and non-therapists. The training is divided into three modules and constitutes a journey through the soul of each student. In each of the modules, each student will experience one regression work. The first serves to get familiar with regression therapy, the work scheme will be given to you and it will last approximately three months. The second module, also lasting for three months, serves the purpose to become familiar with consciousnesses that do not inhabit bodies and which are usually called lost souls, even though they are not always lost, but rather found in this state by their own decision, for instance, to accompany one of their embodied relatives. The third module helps to become familiar with the existence of other than human consciousnesses belonging to other dimensions and that in a therapeutic or psychotherapeutic framework also are the reason for suffering among human beings…

Publication date on “FaceBook“: Wednesday, May 26, 2022 at 7:47 a.m. Date of publication of the video in “Odysee“: Thursday, June 2, 2022. Duration: 31 minutes and 51 seconds. Language: Spanish.


More information in:

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Nación in German language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Nación in German language.

Animated German flag.German-speaking Internet users can now access the interview given by Doctor José Luís Cabouli and conducted by the journalist Luis Aubele of the Argentine newspaper La Nación.

In this interview, Dr. Cabouli recounts how he left his specialty as a surgeon to pursue Past Life Therapy (PLT). Whilst mentioning Freud, he goes on to explain how he perfected his technique by using case examples of patients who have healed traumas from their soul’s past or have discovered secrets from their past. We thank the person who completed this translation.

In body and soulwebsite’s team.
Monday, May 30 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into German language:

José Luis Cabouli: „Ich wollte Seelenchirurg werden“ (José Luis Cabouli: “I wanted to be a soul surgeon”).
Von Luís Aubele. Interview veröffentlicht in der Zeitung «La Nación», Buenos Aires, 22-03-2009.
Was war ich, bevor ich José Luis wurde?“, begann er sich zu fragen, als er 8 Jahre alt war. Das Seltsame ist, dass er damals noch nie von Reinkarnation gehört hatte; er wusste nicht nur nicht, was es war, er kannte nicht einmal das Wort. „Nur ein paar Jahre später, im Alter zwischen 15 und 16, fand ich heraus, worum es sich handelt. Aber es mussten noch 20 Jahre vergehen, während er bereits ein plastischer Chirurg mit jahrelanger Praxis war, um zu verstehen, dass die Reinkarnation einen therapeutischen Zweck haben könnte“, erinnert sich José Luis Cabouli, Arzt und Therapeut, der sich auf die Therapie vergangener Leben spezialisiert hat (…).

Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light in Galician.

Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.Internet users using the Galician language have now at their disposal the one hour long full version of the interview that Dawn Light gave to Doctor Brian Weiss, an excerpt of which was reproduced in the New Visions Magazine.

With this translation into the language of Castelao by Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González, we reach all the pages currently available on our website. We would like to express our gratitude for this excellent work.

In body and soulwebsite ‘s team.
Wednesday, May 25 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Galician:

Amencer dun Novo Día. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Entrevista a Brian Weiss por Dawn Light (Luz da Alba).
Aquí está a entrevista completa dunha hora que lle fixen a Brian Weiss. Un extracto desta entrevista publicouse no número de Setembro/Outubro de 2007 da revista New Visions Magazine.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Animated German flag.German-speaking Internet users can now access the interview that the journalist Lluis Amiguet of La Vanguardia, in the section La Contra, gave to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview, the therapist explained to us that regression therapy is performed based on some kind of symptom that could have been triggered by an event that took place in the past of the soul, maybe in a previous life. We are thankful to the translator for the transcription of the interview into German.

Website’s team “In body and Soul“.
Thursday, May 19, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in German language:

José Luis Cabouli: „Dein Ego kann die ganze Wahrheit nicht ertragen“ (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Samstag, 23. August 2003. Die Rückseite.
Ich bin 52 Jahre alt. Ich bin in Buenos Aires geboren. Ich war Schönheitschirurg, aber einer von denen, die nicht reich werden, und heute bin ich Regressionsstherapeut. Ich habe einen 10 Monate alten und einen 20-jährigen Sohn. Ich glaube, dass wir in diesem Leben Fehler aus früheren Leben mit Liebe beseitigen müssen, und von schrecklichen Traumata, an die sich unser Gewissen erinnert, befreien müssen (…).

Intensive online and on-site seminar “The wounded feminine”. 20-21-22/5/2022.

Intensive online and on-site seminar “The wounded feminine”. 20-21-22/5/2022.

Intensive online and on-site seminar.

“The wounded feminine”.

Past Lives Therapy.

Delivered by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Dear souls,

The chosen dates for Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s visit to the headquarters of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy in Malaga are as follows:

May 21, 22 i 23 of 2022.

It is a great opportunity to get to know the work that this professional performs through regression therapy.

The seminar can be attended in person and also online.

Doctor Cabouli will share his experience on the “wounded feminine” in the consciousness of human beings, both in women and men.

In addition, he will perform, live and in person and by drawing lots among the attendees (both in person and online), no more and no less than five regression sessions throughout the weekend.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see a professional with more than 35 years of experience in this field working with this technique.

The seminar will start on Saturday 22 May at 10 am and will end at approximately 8.30 pm or 8.30 pm (two hours break for lunch). On Sunday, we start at the same time and finish at about 2 or 2:30 p.m.

On Friday the 21st, Dr. Cabouli will give a talk for the on-site attendees exclusively.

It is necessary to book in advance for both the talk (which is free) and the seminar (which is not).

Information and bookings:

Cell Phone and Whatsapp (+34) 616 468 958


centro.atma.cartamaA que

Warm greetings and lots of Blessings to your lives.

Cártama (Malaga-Spain), May 16, 2022.

Carlos González Delgado.
President of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR).

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.