I International Symposium on Regression Therapy September 10, 11 and 12, 2021.

I International Symposium on Regression Therapy September 10, 11 and 12, 2021.

1. Round table. Doctor Viviana Zenteno, Doctor María José Cardoso. Carlos González. Isabel Martínez.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 13 minutes and 6 seconds. Language: Spanish.

2. Psychotherapeutic techniques applied to regression therapy. Carlos González.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 21 minutes and 36 seconds. Language: Spanish.

3. Kabbalah applied to DVT. Doctor Bibiana Bistrich.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 31 minutes and 32 seconds. Language: Spanish.

4. Presentation of the book Basic Regressive Therapy with Carlos González.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 41 minutes and 8 seconds. Language: Spanish.

5. Consciousness and its vehicles of expression. Doctor María José Cardoso.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes and 26 seconds. Language: Spanish.

6. Lost souls in regression therapy. Marcelo Beloqui.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 32 minutes and 21 seconds. Language: Spanish.

7. How to remove unconscious blockages or saboteurs. Leopoldo Ceballos.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 20 minutes and 36 seconds. Language: Spanish.

8. Scientific evidence continuity awareness. Doctor Isabel Martínez.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 38 minutes. Language: Spanish.

9. Energy techniques applied in regression therapy by Carlos González.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 11 minutes and 22 seconds. Language: Spanish.

10. Regression Therapy: The queen of therapies. By Hans Ten Dam.



Sonia Janssen Alarcon. Tasso’s Therapist.

Gina Rodríguez Hurtado. Interpreter and AETR therapist.

YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 57 minutes and 12 seconds. Language: English, with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

11. Post-traumatic stress disorder, a loss of the soul. Doctor Viviana Zenteno.


YouTube” publisher profile: Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva. “YouTube” posting date: Sunday, April 24, 2022. Duration: 1 hour, 46 minutes and 52 seconds. Language: Spanish.

To be notified of the upcoming free Symposia and other AETR activities, sign up at:


Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Shocking interview with Doctor Segarra, NDEs and Out-of-body experiences. April 10, 2022.

Shocking interview with Doctor Segarra, NDEs and Out-of-body experiences. April 10, 2022.


Documentales ECM – Somos Alma (NDE Documentaries – We are souls). Sunday, April 10, 2022.

Doctor Manuel Sans Segarra gives us the most surprising clues on the death process. Everything helps to point out that the Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are a phenomenon which shows spirituality even in the medical sphere, when it is studied in depth. These NDEs, together with the out-of-body experiences, which describe scenes out of the patient’s reach, open up again the area of the unknown.

Youtube reference: Documentales ECM – Somos Alma (NDE Documentaries – We are Souls). Date of input in Youtube: Sunday, 10th April, 2022. Length: 41 mins, 28 seconds. Language: Spanish.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have translated into German the interview granted by Dr. José Luis Cabouli to the Mexican newspaper Reforma.

This interview introduces the reader into the Therapy of Spiritual Possession (TSP), where one or more entities inhabit the ethereal body of a patient during regression. The writing submits a list of possible symptoms of this situation. We give thanks to the person who has done the translation.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Thursday, May 5th, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

Interview mit Doktor José Luis Cabouli in der Zeitung Reforma, Mexiko-Stadt (Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli by newspaper Reforma, Mexico DF).
von Natalia Vitela, Mexiko, 26. August 2006.
Haben Sie schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, dass derjenige, der denkt, sagt und handelt, nicht Sie sind und von einem fremden Willen motiviert wird? Wenn ja, schließen Sie die Möglichkeit „bessesen“ zu sein nicht aus (…).

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform that the Orpheus evidence, from Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s book, Therapy of spiritual possession, is already available for the Galician readers.

It is about a patient who, in a previous meeting, had broken a pact with darkness established in a previous life, but still had several entities occupying his ethereal body. Through the joint work of therapist and patient, this one lets his vocal cords so that the entities living inside him may, one after the other, hold a dialogue with the therapist, who informs them of their actual situation, and helps them to go towards light so as to continue their cycle of successive incarnations.

This case was chosen by Doctor Cabouli himself to be published in our website. We are again grateful to Doctor Cabouli for his offer and to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the good translation job into Galician.

Team of the In body and soul website.
Wednesday, May 5, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Orfeo. Terapia de posesión espiritual (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
O paciente que aquí toma o nome de Orfeo saíu dunha sesión onde superou un pacto coa escuridade dunha vida anterior. Na sesión presente o terapeuta detecta a presenza de diferentes entidades desencarnadas que entraron dentro do paciente, aproveitando o seu estado anterior. O terapeuta dialoga con cada unha destas entidades que se manifestan utilizando a voz e as cordas vocais de Orfeo, axudándoas a atopar o camiño da Luz. Deste xeito, liberan o seu hóspede de trastornos e poden volver retomar o ciclo de encarnacións sucesivas.
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia da posesión espiritual. Técnica e práctica clínica. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 270 a 285.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

Live workshop, in presence and online.

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May, 2022.

By Dr. José Luís Cabouli

Conference: Friday 20th at 7 p.m.

Free attendance, prior inscription required.

ATMA Centre at Málaga

Avenida de los Guindos 20, 2nd left

centro.atma.cartamaA que dansa.gmail.com


Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

Web site “In body and soul” in Rumanian

Web site “In body and soul” in Rumanian

Animated Romanian flag.We inform you that we have achieved publication of the first pages of our web site “In body and soul” in Rumanian. This is the twelfth language in our website. Thanks to the contribution of Govor Marian Cosmin, these pages are now available in Rumanian.

The In body and soul team.
Friday, 15th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

List of pages available in Rumanian:

Obiective (Aims).
Convingerea că trăim doar o singură încarnare este răspândită în întreaga lume. În plus, în civilizațiile occidentale suntem impregnați de această mentalitate modernă de a trăi imediat viața fără a ne îngrijora excesiv de consecințele acțiunilor noastre (…).
Prima versiune: joi, 18 ianuarie 2018. Ultima modificare: marți, 30 ianuarie 2018.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Apel (Call).

Apelul site-ului „In corp si suflet” (A call from the “In body and soul” web).
Practicanții Terapiei Vieților Trecute (TVT) și Terapiei Posesiunii Spirituale (TPS), fiecare din diferite stiluri și variante de tratament și prin exprimarea a numeroase cazuri, ne informează că suntem suflete care merg din trup în trup. Din studiul acestor cazuri deducem că reîncarnarea sau metempsihoza este modalitatea naturală de învățare și perfecționare a sufletelor (…).
Marți, 21 ianuarie 2020.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Interviuri (Interviews).

Brian Weiss: „Suntem suflete și mergem din trup în trup(Brian Weiss: “We are souls going from one body to the next”).
El Periódico de Catalunya (Ziarul Cataloniei). Miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2009. Opinie. Pagina 80.
Interviul cu Brian Weiss, Psihiatru specializat în terapie regresivă. În Statele Unite, el a tratat aproape 4.000 de pacienți care au amintiri din viețile lor anterioare.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Citate și mărturii (Appointments and testimonials).

Un caz de reîncarnare imediată, în grupul familial (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
de Leopoldo Lage, Merlo, San Luis, Argentina.
Marcela (45 de ani), a venit la consultație cu scopul de a lucra la fobia ei față de câini. De câțiva ani, cei doi copii ai săi, de doisprezece și zece ani, pretindeau că își doresc un câine ca animal de companie, dar Marcelei îi era foarte frică de câini până la punctul de a nu se putea plimba singură prin cartierul ei în care mulți câinii liberi abundau. Marcela a vrut să scape de acea frică enervantă care a determinat-o să ia atitudini aproape comice atunci când dădea de un câine, indiferent de mărimea lui sau de circumstanțe (…).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Mulțumesc (Thanks).

Interview to Carlos Gonzalez Delgado on presentation of his Book Terapia regresiva básica.

Interview to Carlos Gonzalez Delgado on presentation of his Book Terapia regresiva básica.

Interview to Carlos Gonzalez Delgado on presentation of his Book «Terapia regresiva básica» ("Basic regressive therapy").https://odysee.com/@formacion-en-terapias-del-alma-castellano:8/Mijas_Hoy_Entrevista_a_Carlos_Gonzalez_Delgado:b?r=FitcvuVn44UzRQGK1hdRJP7FFx2qq2Co

«Terapia regresiva básica» ("Basic regressive therapy"), by Carlos González Delgado. Cover page.Mónica López interviews psychologist Carlos González Delgado, President of the Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) [Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy (AETR)], who is the autor of the book Terapia regresiva básica (Basic regressive therapy). Programme: Mijas Hoy-Entrevistas. Interviewer: Mónica López. Broadcasting on: Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Video publication in Odyssee: Friday, April 15, 2022. Length: 12 minutes 2 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Link to the original video in Mijas Hoy-Entrevistas:


Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have available in German the interview made by the Murcia newspaper La Verdad to Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

This interview reminds us of the fact, which is rather common, of a soul trying to be born on several occasions from the same mother, until it gets a successful opportunity. We give our thanks to the translator.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Wednesday, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

José Luis Cabouli: „Es gibt Fälle von Menschen mit der Seele verstorbener Brüder“ (José Luis Cabouli: “There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother”).
La Verdad (Die Wahrheit). Freitag, 25. Mai 2012.
Der Experte wendet eine Technik der Regression in vergangene Leben an, um Konflikte und psychische Probleme seiner Patienten zu lösen (…)“.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform you that those who speak Galician have now at their disposal Cristina’s evidence, from the book «Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma» (Trapping and Recovery of the Soul), by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

In this case a patient is blocked in her improvement in her present life, and she recalls a pact made with Darkness in a past life. It is a relatively frequent situation among Doctor Cabouli’s patients, and for this reason he chose it to be published in our web site. We thank again Doctor Cabouli for his contribution, and Professor of Galician, Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his good translation work.

Team of the web site In body and soul.
Wednesdeay, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Cristina. Un pacto coa escuridade (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
A paciente, que neste relato toma o nome de Cristina, sofre varios bloqueos á hora de poder levar a cabo os seus propósitos na súa vida actual. Coa axuda do terapeuta ela visualiza unha vida pasada onde se xeraron estes síntomas, cando foi un home que establece un pacto coa escuridade para conseguir poder e aceptación social polos membros dunha seita. Cristina, asistida polo terapeuta, pode desfacer o pacto que a limitaba, sanar os males realizados e resolver os bloqueos a que estaba suxeita (…).
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Atrapamento e recuperación da alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un novo paradigma. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 123 a 134.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Regression Therapy Online training.

Regression Therapy Online training.

Individual program adapted to your personal agenda.

Personalized lectures and practical tasks under constant supervision.

Ongoing consultancy along the whole formation.

Possibility to start at anytime and finish the training with no time limit.

Endorsed by the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR) with option to affiliation.

Information : +34 616 468 958.


Carlos González Delgado.
Affiliate Psychologist, AO11251.

ATMA Center of Màlaga.
Avenida de los Guindos, 20, 2º izquierda
29004 Málaga

centro.atma.cartamaA que dansa.gmail.com


Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Online Training in Regressive Therapy. ATMA Center of Malaga.