Interview by Dawn Light to Doctor Brian Weiss in German language.
We like to inform you that the full hour-long interview given by Dawn Light to Dr. Brian Weiss in 2007 and an excerpt of which was published in the periodical New Visions Magazine, has been translated into the German language.
With the latter translation, all pages that currently exist on our website are available in Goethe’s language. We thank the person who has carried out this good work for its collaboration.
“In body and soul” Website’s team.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
Translation of the post into English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.
Link to the entry translated into German:
Morgendämmerung eines neuen Tages. Interview mit Brian Weiss. 2007 (Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007).
Interview mit Brian Weiss von Dawn Light (Licht der Morgendämmerung).
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