Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy with Doctor José Luís Cabouli. 24, 25 and 26th January 2025.

Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy with Doctor José Luís Cabouli. 24, 25 and 26th January 2025.

Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy.

Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

24th-25th and 26th of January of 2025.

First translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

This is a Past Lives Therapy (PLT) introductory course aimed at those who wish to know and learn about this therapeutic alternative without carrying out an entire formal training.

The workshop will consist of five separate classes taking place Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 to 8 pm on Friday and from 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 8 pm (UTC/GMT +01:00) on the weekend, when the fundamental concepts of PLT will be explained: the basic regression technique, the therapeutic work of traumatic experiences in past lives, fetal life and birth, and how the anamnesis is performed when using PLT techniques.

Each class will be splitted into a theoretical part and a practical part during which Dr. Cabouli will perform a didactic regression by drawing lots among the attendees.

The course is aimed at therapists and health and other disciplines professionals wishing to acquire a different knowledge about the genesis and resolution of emotional conflicts that they often face on a daily basis as well as at those who wish to delve into their interior development.

In addition to therapists interested in learning about a different therapeutic alternative, the course may be of particular interest to obstetricians, pediatricians, and those professionals working in palliative care or accompanying terminally ill patients.

At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Basic Workshop on Past lives Therapy (PLT) Program:

Lesson 1.

  • General Introduction; basic premises on the basis of Past Lives Therapy (PLT).
  • The timeless dimension of the soul, the trapping of consciousness and the concept of multi-simultaneity.
  • Experience excluded from consciousness, responsible experience and traumatic experience.
  • Symptom: the pathway to experience excluded from consciousness.
  • Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 2.

  • Basic Regression Technique.
  • Therapeutic work of the traumatic experience.
  • How the therapeutic session is conducted.
  • Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 3.

  • The experience of death.
  • Therapeutic work of the different traumatic death experiences.
  • Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 4.

  • Fetal life and birth.
  • Influence of emotions, maternal beliefs and external events on the psyche of the fetus.
  • Therapeutic work of events that may occur at birth: cesarean section, general anesthesia, forceps and circular cord among others.
  • Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 5.

  • Anamnesis in PLT: initial interview conducted by the therapist which differs from the classic medical history.
  • Mandates and Promises: Positive or negative statements that work as programmers of behaviors from the unconscious.
  • Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

The course is primarily in-person and can also be attended online (Zoom platform).

Cost: 375€, por Europe and Latin America. For Argentina, ask us.


Esther García Miralles
Phone: +34 609 93 86 77

Visit us!

We will meet at:

Road Mossèn Amadeu Amenós, local 4
08788 Vilanova del Camí

Naturoterapias. Logo.

José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy).

José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy). Ediciones Isthar. First edition: July 2024. ISBN print: 978-84-19619-65-5. ISBN e-book: 978-84-191619-66-2. 376 pages. Cover.

José Luis Cebouli. Sanando el femenino herido. La vía de la terapia de vidas pasadas (Healing the wounded feminine. The way of past lives therapy). Ediciones Isthar. First edition: July 2024. ISBN print: 978-84-19619-65-5. ISBN e-book: 978-84-191619-66-2. 376 pages.

What is the Eternal Feminine? What do we mean when we speak about the Feminine? Which is the wound of the Feminine? How and when was this wound inflicted? Which are its effects on our daily life?

The wound of the Feminine is an ancestral pain which starts when the sword first appears, with its power of death and control over the life giving power of the Feminine.

Starting from the definition of the Feminine, explaining the main causes which led to its annulment and submission, the author submerges us in seventeen real stories of people who lived through a regression the origin and healing of their own wounded Feminine.

Our past lives are the living, palpable, proof of the suffering in which our present civilization has evolved. Here we have the personal experience of the people who felt within themselves the pain of this wound.

Through these stories and the evidence of the persons implied, we may verify that the Past Lives Therapy, or regression therapy, offers an effective and fit way to heal the wounded Feminine.

This work is also the result of the author’s own evolution, a master in Past Lives Therapy, who shares the awakening of his own inner Feminine.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch.

Martin Roesch mental-spiritual Psycho-Oncology.

The Underestimated Hidden Influence of Energetic Force Fields (Non-Self-Energies and Blockages) in our Physical Bodies.

18, 19, 20 October 2024.

Mornings from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Afternoons from 16 to 20 h.

Face-to-face and online.

ATMA Center of Cartama.

+34 616 468 958.

Languages: English with Spanish Translation.

The price is 350€ for the public and 300€ for members of AETR, ACHTEVIP, AATVP and EARTH.

Diseminado los Espartales
Parcela, 62
29570 Cártama

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch.

Organisers: ATMA Centre of Cártama (Málaga-Spain).

Headquarters of the Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy.

We humans are body, mind, and spirit. This seminar is about investigating the underlying driving forces that push a body into developing adverse effects like a chronic disease. Such causes may have their origin in the life of a patient (sometimes as fas as back as baby age or even embryonic stages) but just as well epigenetic factors can be detected, truly originating in preceding last generations of our ancestors. There are energetic force fields in our bodies and some of them do not belong to our own genuine being. These in time can exert adverse effects on our physical body. The fact that we cannot see such force fields does not imply they do not exist. However, there ara techniques to identity them, and more importantly, how to change them and gently lift them out of one’s body.

While clinical medicine thankfully treats the body but, in most cases, only the symptoms! This approach of energy assessment, extraction, and integration will be demonstrated in this October on-site seminar in Cártama and aims for uncovering underlying causes. Just as important, however, is the next step: what techniques can support a patient in their effort to change? The seminar will be highly practical with predominantly life examples and hands-on opportunities to apply the techniques among participants. Furthermore, Martin will present a few cases from his work with these techniques on cancer patients to show the potential of this method in controlling adverse health situations.

Energetic force fields are largely underestimated and have a huge potential in bodily change, with healing being only one form. Just observe and experience the seminar!

Anyone is welcome to join!

Martin Roesch Mental-Spiritual Psycho-Oncology.

Martin is working as a psycho-oncologist, (his clients being predominantly cancer patients).

He uses regressions therapy and energy techniques to allow his patients to access their own deeper layers of consciousness to unfold the immense potential of one’s spirit. Martin is a regular member of a multidisciplinary tumor board.

Martin has an MBA (business and psychology) and he has lived in Switzerland, the United States, India, and in Germany, his home country. Martin is a professional member of EARTh (European Association of Regression Therapy), of IPOS (international Psycho-Oncology Society), and of ESIO (European Society of Integrated Oncology).

He has lectured at numerous conferences, published various articles, and wrote a 500-page book (in German) including 70 cancer cases, titled Negotiating with Death: Exploring Our Deeper Layers of Consciousness.
78464 Konztanz – Germany

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024. 1.

Intensive seminar with Martin Roesch. October 18, 19 and 20, 2024. 2.

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Athanor magazine in Rumanian.

Interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Athanor magazine in Rumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.The interview made by the Athanor magazine to Doctor Brian Weiss is already available in Rumanian. We give thanks for the good translation work to Govor Marian Cosmin.

The team of the “In body and soul” web.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
Translation of the entry into English by Loto Perrella.

Link to the new translation into Rumanian:

Întoarcerea la pace. Interviu cu Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Revista Athanor. Numărul 35. Septembrie-octombrie 2002. Paginile 15-18.
Intervievator: Josep Agustín. Interpret: Loto Perrella. Fotograf: Natalia Campoy.
Cum să fii împăcat cu tine însuți și, în consecință, cu totul, este probabil formula magică cea mai căutată de ființele umane dintotdeauna. Când am fost întâmpinați de Dr. Brian Weiss la hotel și pe parcursul întregului interviu, am fost însoțiți de caracterul calm, amabil și afectuos al acestei persoane (…).
Traducere în limba română: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Website “In body & soul” in Ukrainian.

Website “In body & soul” in Ukrainian.

Animated Ukrainian flag.We inform you that we already have the first pages of our website In body & soul in Ukrainian. This makes fourteen languages in our website. We are grateful to Victoria Slatina for her good translation work into Ukrainian.

It is necessary to make available the so-called soul therapies in the languages of the countries touched by war, for three reasons:

First. To make known the Past lives Therapy (PLT). Both the men at war and the civilian population go through traumatic events because of the violence of weapons. The PLT enables to cure or heal the traumatic events, whether they were produced in the present time life, or in past incarnations.

Second. To make known the Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT). When somebody dies in a war zone, their soul may or may not go to the light that appears at the time of death. If they don’t go, they may go to the aura or the ethereal body of a live person in the conflict zone, who is often also under a trauma, becoming a parasite on his energy and modifying his behaviour. The SPT helps this being to find his way and to set free the person possessed. The being can then move forward to the spiritual dimension, in order to reincarnate afterwards so as to obtain a new body, new parents, a new family and a new life, which will allow him carry on his learning within the cycle of consecutive incarnations.

Third. Let us imagine, within the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, a Ukrainian woman outraged by a Russian soldier, or a Russian woman outraged by a Ukrainian soldier. In which language would they like to access this information? In the language if their wrongdoer? No! In their own language. It is therefore necessary to have this information available in the different languages of the conflicting parties.

The “In body & soul” website team.
Friday, August 23st, 2024.
Translation of the reference to the English language: Loto Perrella.

The links to the newly translated pages into Ukrainian are:

Цілі (Aims).

Заклик (Call).

Интерв’ю (Interviews).

Брайан Вейсс: «Ми душі, і ми переходимо з тіла в тіло» (Brian Weiss: “We are souls going from one body to the next”).
Газета Каталунії. Гаспар Ернандес. Середа, 21 січня 2009 року. Відгук. Сторінка 80.
Інтерв’ю з Браяном Вейссом, психіатром і фахівцем з регресивної терапії. У Сполучених Штатах він прийняв понад 4000 пацієнтів які мають спогади про їхні минулі життя.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Цитати та свідчення (Appointments and testimonials).

Поважати людей в інших положеннях. Свідоцтво Евелін (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Ця справа доктра Браяна Вейсса належить пацієнтці, яка в цьому випадку взяла ім’я Евелін, цій випадок показує необхідність навчитися поважати людей, які належать до інших груп (…).
Доктор Браян Вейсс. Багато тіл, одна душа. Перше видання каталонською мовою в м’якій обкладинці від видавництва Zeta. Сторінки з 65 по 74.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Випадок негайної реенкарнації у в межах однієї сімейної групи. Терапія Минулих Життів (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
Від Леопольда Лаґе, Мерло, Сан-Луис, Аргентина.
Марсела (45 років) прийшла на прийом з метою попрацювати над своєю фобією собак. Вже багато років її сини, дванадцятирічний і дев’ятирічний, заявляли, що хочуть собаку як домашню тварину, але Марсела дуже боялася собак, до такого ступеня, що не могла ходити сама у своєму районі, де багато бездомних собак. Марсела хотіла позбутися цього надокучливого страху, який змушував її діяти майже смішно, коли вона натикалася на будь-якого пса, незалежно від його розміру чи обставин (…).
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Мультимедія (Multimedia).

«Космічний кредит» від доктора Луїса Кобоулі. Конференція каталонською мовою з українськими субтитрами (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Ucranian subtitles).
Фрагмент конференції під назвою «Життя перед народженням» доктора Луїса Кобоулі, проведений у Залі Поліевалент Солерас (Лас Гаррігес, Каталунія), у суботу, 29 серпня 2020 року (…).
Профіль видання «Brighteon»: Animaweb. Конференції українською. Дата публікації в «Brighteon»: П’ятниця, 23 серпня 2023 р. Тривалість відео: 3 хвилини 33 секунди. Мова: звук на кастильській з українськими субтитрами.
Переклад: Вікторія Слатіна.

Дякую (Thanks).

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles. Page.

English animated flag.We inform you that we have introduced the page with the article “Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles”. We thank Professor Joan Garriga for preparing it, Professor Chus Borrell for offering the article, and Loto Perrella for its translation.

The body and soul” team.
Saturday, 11th January 2025.
Post translation to English language: Loto Perrella.

Link to the document:

Gestalt Therapy: the art of closing cycles.
Many of us have cycles in our lives that we don’t know how to put an end to. Traumatic events of childhood, some family trends, inadequacies or excesses in our upbringing, injustices, losses, and so on, which may cause future constraints, dependence and depression. Gestalt coaxes us to become conscious of our patterns, of the character we have created for ourselves, and helps us to close cycles properly. We are in front of a shop window and we see something we like. What happens when we focus our attention on that object? We see it, we appreciate it in the foreground, but behind it there is a background, a framework of thousands of things which may be there, or may be happening: there are many other things in the window, people inside the shop, people going by, a bus at the bus stop, two men talking at the corner… From the background, or from the structure, a shape has come forward which commands our attention and which stands in the foreground (…).
Text: Joan Garriga (director of Institut Gestalt Barcelona).
Thrapies, workshops and training in Lleida: Coaching Lleida & Isuri Gestalt Lleida. Chus Borrell Feliu.
Translation to English language: Loto Perrella.
Published on magazine Guía & Ocio Lleida. April 2005. No. 39. Pages 128-129.

What is Past Life Therapy.

What is the past lives therapy. Page.

English animated flag.We inform you that we have introduced the page with the article “What is the past lives therapy”. We thank Doctor Cabouli for offering the article and Loto Perrella for translating it.

The body and soul” team.
Saturday, 11 January 2025.
Post translation to English language: Loto Perrella.

Link to the document:

What is Past Life Therapy.
The Past Life Therapy (PLT) is a transpersonal psychotherapeutic technique which, basically, consists of making conscious what is unconscious. When this happens there arise to consciousness unresolved traumatic experiences which were hidden in the unconscious. In these experiences the patients tend to identify himself in another body and another time period, and experiment the death of that body, therefore the technique was called Past Life Therapy (…).
Dr. José Luis Cabouli, August 2017.
Translation to English language: Loto Perrella.

Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

Near Death Experiences. Testimonials: María Blázquez.

YouTube” user profile: Más allá de la conciencia. Uploaded date on “YouTube“: Monday, July 8 of 2024. Duration: 52 minutes and 23 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Another Near Death Experience (NDE).

This time we chat with María Blázquez, a person who, from a very young age, remembers this magical and transformative experience when experiencing a moment of absolute happiness and indescribable love.

Welcome to “Más allá de la conciencia” (“Beyond consciousness”).

Thank you for existing.


Everyone has the right to an opinion and to be respected, even if their ideas are not the same.

Director: David Payá.
Edition: David Payá.
Guest: María Blázquez González.
Voice over: Eva Galera, María Blázquez González.

Post translation to English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”. Granada, 13-14-15th September 2024.

Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”. Granada, 13-14-15th September 2024.

Live workshop “Healing the soul’s wounds”.

Dr. José Luis Cabouli.

Friday 13th to Sunday 15th September 2024.

This activity is mainly experiential. Every person is taken charge of and attended by the group energy. In turn, the effect of every individual process deepens even more the total work of the group.

As usual, this activity is limited to a group of not more than 12 persons, where Dr. Cabouli effects a regression to each of them.

Venue: Balneario Alicún at Las Torres, Granada.

If you click on the resort’s web page: you will be able to visit the place and appreciate its characteristics.

The resort is at 90 km from Granada’s airport. The hotel can pick up those arriving at Guadix, 30 km from the resort.


The workshop costs 600€ (lodging not included, to be paid separately).

Cost of lodging: see the lodging possibilities we have been supplied for this case:

1) Arrival on Thursday and delayed departure before 6 p.m. on Sunday, including charge for board and lodging for three full days plus breakfast on Sunday: 345€.

2) Arrival on Thursday and departure Monday morning: 400€.

3) Single room: there is an extra charge of 45€ for the whole stay with any of the proposed choices.

Thermal treatments.

For those wishing so, it will be possible to have the basic thermal treatment, which will have to be taken the day prior to the onset of the workshop. During the workshop itself it will also be possible, but out of the workshop hours.

It will also be possible to carry out some guided visit on Sunday afternoon.

Reservation and booking:

Should you be interested in taking part in the workshop it will be necessary to confirm your reservation through the payment of 200€. The remaining amount will be paid in cash on starting the workshop.

After the enrolment for the workshop is confirmed, you will be able to make the room arrangements and thermal treatment if you so wish. To do this you will have to co-ordinate with Rafael Jurado. In due time you will receive the contact data.

Information and inscription: Joana Alenyà Mateu.

Tel. & Whatsapp: +34 606 204 308.


Facebook: @terapiadevidaspasadasdoctorcabouli

Instagram: joseluiscaboulitvp

Translation into English of this post by Loto Perrella.

Doctor Cabouli’s Orpheus’ Witness in Roumanian

Doctor Cabouli’s Orpheus’ Witness in Roumanian

Animated Romanian flag.Roumanian speaking internauts have already available in your language, Orpheus’ Witness, a case by Dr. José Luis Cabouli of therapy for spiritual possession, which he himself suggested for translation and reproduction. We thank Govor Marian Cosmin for the good translation job.

The team of website “In body and soul
Tuesday, 11th June, 2024.
Translation into English of this post by Loto Perrella.

Link to the document newly translated into Roumanian:

Mărturia lui Orfeu. Terapia de posedare spirituală (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
Pacientul care ia aici numele de Orfeu a ieșit dintr-o ședință în care a depășit un pact cu întunericul dintr-o viață anterioară. În ședința actuală, terapeutul detectează prezența diferitelor entități neînsuflețite care au pătruns în pacient, profitând de starea sa anterioară. Terapeutul dialoghează cu fiecare dintre aceste entități prin intermediul corpului lui Orfeu, ajutându-le să găsească calea Luminii. În acest fel, ele își eliberează gazda de perturbări și pot relua ciclul încarnărilor succesive (…).
Dr. José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapie de posesiune spirituală. Tehnică și practică clinică). Editorial Índigo. Paginile 319-336.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.