Interview by Terra Networks and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno in Portuguese language.

Interview by Terra Networks and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno in Portuguese language.

Animated Portuguese flag.We are happy to inform you that Internet users using the Portuguese language have at their disposal the interview given by Carmen Luz Heredia to Dr. Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks from Chile as well as the Katia’s Evidence case of the aforementioned therapist. We thank Simone de Souza for the translation work.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Sunday February 18, 2024.
Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the new translations in Portuguese:

Dotora Viviana Zenteno. As regresões como terapia da alma. Entrevista Terra, 6-5-2010 (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Entrevista Terra Networks Chile. Quinta feira, 6 de Maio de 2010. Dotora Viviana Zenteno. Por: Carmen Luz Heredia.
A travéz de esta técnica, o passado se mezcla com o presente e se activa uma series de fatos que não estão no consciente.
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Katia. Caso Clínico (Katia. A clinical case).
Quinta feira, 1 de Outubro de 2014. Terapeuta: Doctora Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) comprende em esta regresão o motivo de uma renuncia amorosa. Anos atrás ela era libre, mas ele não, i era una figura pública.
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Esperanto and Occitan.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Esperanto and Occitan.

Jose Luis Cabouli. Photo: José María Alguersuari.We are happy to inform you that Esperanto and Occitan speakers have already available into their respective languages the interview given to Doctor José Luis Cabouli by Lluís Amiguet, from the La Contra section of the La Vanguardia newspaper.

We thank Alfons Tur for his translation into Esperanto and Jordi Ràfols for the translation into Occitan.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Wednesday February 14, 2024.
Post translation to English language by Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the new translations:

Animated Esperanto flag.

José Luis Cabouli: «Via egoo ne eltenas la tutan veron» (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia, sabato, 23-an de aŭgusto de 2003. La Contra.
Mi estas 52 jara. Mi naskiĝis en Bonaero. Mi estis plastĥirurgo, sed unu el tiuj kiuj ne riĉiĝas, kaj nun mi estas regresa terapeŭto. Mi havas 10 monatan filon kaj alian jam 20 jaraĝan. Mi oponias ke en la nuna vivo ni pentas erarojn de antaŭaj vivoj kiujn ni devas solvi per amo kaj teruraj traŭmoj de kiuj nia konscio bezonas sin liberigi je la ekmemoro (…).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.

Animated Occitan flag.

José Luis Cabouli : «Ton ego pòt pas suportar tota la vertat» (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Dissabte 23 d’agost de 2003. La Conta.
Ai 52 ans. Soi nascut a Buenos Aires. Èri cirurgian plastician, mas dels que s’enriquisson pas, e uèi soi terapeuta regressiu. Ai un filh de 10 meses e un filh de 20 ans. Cresi que dins la vida, purgam las errors de las vidas anterioras que devèm corregir amb amor e los terribles traumàs dont nos devèm liberar quand nòstra consciéncia se’n rebremba (…).
Traduccion : Jordi Ràfols.

Second international course of advanced training in regression therapy – 2024.

Second international course of advanced training in regression therapy – 2024.

Registration period open.

A partial pack available with only the four English language teachers. Click here for page information:

Addressed to therapists trained in regressive therapy in training schools acknowledged by the regressive therapy associations of Chile, Argentina, Spain, EARTH (Europe) and other prestigious schools as per the organization’s opinion.

It consists of 10 seminars, given by ten teachers with recognized international experience.

It has a length of 120 hours.

Beginning and end: March 2024 – December 2024.

Each seminar will last: 3 running days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Each seminar will last 12 hours.

Every daily session: 4 hours.

Beginning: 4 p.m. Spain, 12 a.m. Chile and Argentina.

Agenda 2024.

Teachers: press on respective lower link for more information on your seminar:

March 22-23-24 (Hans Ten Dam, Holland).★

April 19-20-21 (Tim Christopel, Germany).★

May 24-25-26 (Bibiana Bistrich, Italy).★

June 21-22-23 (Marcelo Beloqui, Argentina).

July 19-20-21 (Carlos González, Spain).

August 23-24-25 (Claudia De Vincenzi, Argentina).

September 20-21-22 (Nacho Romón, Spain).

October 25-26-27 (Pavel Gyngazov, Russia).★

November 22-23-24 (Martin Roesch, Germany).★

December 13-14-15 (Marion Boon, Holland).★

With simultaneous translation into Spanish.

The seminars will be registered in video for a later viewing should assistance not be possible.

This course has been acknowledged by:

Asociación Chilena de Terapeutas de Vida Pasada (ACHTEVIP) [Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists (ACHTEVIP)].

Asociación Argentina de Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (AATVP) [Argentine Association of Past Life Therapy (AATVP)].

Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) [Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy (AETR)].

Price: 1500€. Discount to members: 100€ (ACHTEVIP, AATVP, AETR and EARTH).

Information: Telephone: (+34) 616.468.958



Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Second international course of advanced training in regression therapy - 2024.

Transfer of the “In body and soul” web.

Transfer of the “In body and soul” web.

As of March 2023 we have transferred the “In body and soul” web because of a technical problem.

The working multilanguage size of their “WordPress” was no longer held by its developers and it did not allow the introduction of more contents in some languages which might be translated in future. It was then necessary to increase the web size by moving to a new one which could be kept updated.

In order to save programming costs, we transferred by hand over nine hundred fifty links to pages and entries, besides achieving the translation of the present pages into German, among other translations already made.

The appearance of our web page has not changed much, because we want it to be easy to use. The menu has inside some sections to unfold. If we have a small screen, on pressing the “Menu” button the paragraphs contained will appear. If we have a large screen, the menu will be seen in the upper part of the screen.

All the posts, even the oldest ones, are available in Catalan, Spanish and English. If the post mentions the translation of a page to a language or languages other than Catalan, Spanish or English, it will also be available in the languages of the new pages. Previously you could see the flags of all the languages in the web page, and you could get into an empty page or post. Now you can only see the flags of the pages and the posts which have their counterpart of the one we are looking at.

We give thanks, for assisting us in this transfer, both to Daniel Monte, the computer expert from, and to the whole team from Pangea Internet Solidari. Thanks are also given to all those who have participated or are participating in the translations. Finally, we give thanks to those who have shared their experiences, which helps us, among other things, to know reincarnation through the cases submitted, to heal painful experiences which may come, or not, from previous lives, and to help the disembodied beings to find their way.

Team of the “In body and soul” web site.
Monday, 4th December, 2023.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy with Doctor José Luís Cabouli. 26, 27 and 28th January 2024. Online by Zoom.

Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy with Doctor José Luís Cabouli. 26, 27 and 28th January 2024. Online by Zoom.

Basic Workshop on Past Lives Theraphy.

Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

26th-27th and 28th of January of 2024.

Translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

This is a Past Lives Therapy (PLT) introductory course aimed at those who wish to know and learn about this therapeutic alternative without carrying out an entire formal training.

The workshop will consist of five separate classes taking place Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, from 4 to 8 pm on Friday and from 10 am to 8 pm on the weekend, when the fundamental concepts of PLT will be explained: the basic regression technique, the therapeutic work of traumatic experiences in past lives, fetal life and birth, and how the anamnesis is performed when using PLT techniques.

Each class will be splitted into a theoretical part and a practical part during which Dr. Cabouli will perform a didactic regression by drawing lots among the attendees.

The course is aimed at therapists and health and other disciplines professionals wishing to acquire a different knowledge about the genesis and resolution of emotional conflicts that they often face on a daily basis as well as at those who wish to delve into their interior development.

In addition to therapists interested in learning about a different therapeutic alternative, the course may be of particular interest to obstetricians, pediatricians, and those professionals working in palliative care or accompanying terminally ill patients.

At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Basic Workshop on Past lives Therapy (PLT) Program:

Lesson 1.

General Introduction; basic premises on the basis of Past Lives Therapy (PLT).

The timeless dimension of the soul, the trapping of consciousness and the concept of multi-simultaneity.

Experience excluded from consciousness, responsible experience and traumatic experience.

Symptom: the pathway to experience excluded from consciousness.

Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 2.

Basic Regression Technique.

Therapeutic work of the traumatic experience.

How the therapeutic session is conducted.

Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 3.

The experience of death.

Therapeutic work of the different traumatic death experiences.

Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 4.

Fetal life and birth.

Influence of emotions, maternal beliefs and external events on the psyche of the fetus.

Therapeutic work of events that may occur at birth: cesarean section, general anesthesia, forceps and circular cord among others.

Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Lesson 5.

Anamnesis in PLT: initial interview conducted by the therapist which differs from the classic medical history.

Mandates and Promises: Positive or negative statements that work as programmers of behaviors from the unconscious.

Didactic regression by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Online (vía Zoom platform).

Cost: 350€.

Registration Form:

On page 5 of this form you can find the bank details to make your reservation.


WA LAM. Holistic Health Institute.

Phone number: 693932825 (WhatsApp).

E-Mail: walambarcelonaA que


Rosa María Rodríguez. Funder-Director.

Contact me:

Cellphone: +34 693932825.

Landline: +34 932127361.

Visit us!

We will meet at:

WA LAM. Holistic Health Institute.

Carrer Bisbe Sivilla 44, local.

08022 Barcelona.

Wa Lam. Holistic Health Institute.

Understanding through experience by Doctor Brian Weiss in Russian.

Understanding through experience by Doctor Brian Weiss in Russian.

Animated Russian flag.We inform you that Russian speaking readers have already available in Russian the document entitled Understanding through experience by Doctor Brian Weiss. We thank for their help translators Yana Vinokurova and Mariia Konysheva.

Team of the “In body and soul” web.
Thursday, November 30, 2023.
Post translation by Loto Perrella.

Link to the document newly translated to Russian:

К пониманию через опыт (Understanding through experience).
Доктор психиатрии Брайан Вайс рассказывает о своих первоначальных исследованиях в поисках упоминаний о реинкарнации после своих первых шагов в технике терапии прошлых жизней (…).
Доктор Брайан Вайс. Through Time into Healing (Сквозь время). Первое испанское издание в мягкой обложке от Editorial Vergara. Страницы 45-50.
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

“The work of the soul”, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

The work of the soul”, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Presentation at the Third International Conference on Past Lives Therapy, on October 7 and 8, 2023. At the beginning, the organizer of the Conference, Lili Bosnic, shares the comments on letter number 23 of the “Messages from Past Lives.

YouTube” user profile: Dr. Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy. Uploaded date on “YouTube“: Sunday, October 22, 2023. Duration: 1 hour, 7 minutes and 39 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Translation of the post into English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Interview and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno and Doctors Zenteno and Cabouli bibliographies in Romanian language.

Interview and Katia’s Evidence by Doctor Viviana Zenteno and Doctors Zenteno and Cabouli bibliographies in Romanian language.

Animated Romanian flag.We would like to let you know that we already have at the disposal of Romanian-language Internet users both, Dr. Viviana Zenteno interview granted by Terra Networks and Katia’s Evidence as well as the bibliographies of Dr. Viviana Zenteno and Dr. José Luis Cabouli. We appreciate the translation work by Govor Marian Cosmin.

In body and Soul” Website’s team.
Friday, November 17th 2023.
Translation of the post into English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the newly translated pages in Romanian:

Katia. Caz clinic (Katia. A clinical case).
Miercuri, 1 octombrie 2014. Terapeut: Doctor Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45 de ani) înțelege în această regresie motivul unei demisii din dragoste. Cu ani în urmă, ea era liberă, dar el nu era, iar el era o figură publică.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regresiile ca terapie a sufletului. Interviu Terra, 6-5-2010 (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Interviu Terra Networks Chile.
Joi, 6 mai 2010.
Prin această tehnică, trecutul se amestecă cu prezentul și se activează o serie de fapte care nu sunt în conștiință.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Bibliografia doctorului Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Bibliografia doctorului José Luis Cabouli (Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s Bibliography).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Interview by Dawn Light to Doctor Brian Weiss in German language.

Interview by Dawn Light to Doctor Brian Weiss in German language.

Animated German flag.We like to inform you that the full hour-long interview given by Dawn Light to Dr. Brian Weiss in 2007 and an excerpt of which was published in the periodical New Visions Magazine, has been translated into the German language.

With the latter translation, all pages that currently exist on our website are available in Goethe’s language. We thank the person who has carried out this good work for its collaboration.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
Translation of the post into English language: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the entry translated into German:

Morgendämmerung eines neuen Tages. Interview mit Brian Weiss. 2007 (Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007).
Interview mit Brian Weiss von Dawn Light (Licht der Morgendämmerung).
Dieser Artikel wurde aus dem Internet abgerufen. Er weist Fehler und Lücken auf, die das Verständnis und die Übersetzung an einigen Stellen schwierig machen. Wir bitten um Entschuldignung.

Mijas Comunicación interview with Carlos González Delgado. 7-3-2023.

Mijas Comunicación interview with Carlos González Delgado. 7-3-2023.

Entrevista de Mijas Comunicación a Carlos González Delgado. 7-3-2023 (Interview of Mijas Comunicación with Carlos González Delgado. 7-3-2023.).

Interview by Mijas Comunicación with Carlos González Delgado for the show “Salgo Temprano” (“I leave early“), hosted by Patricia Murillo and José Carlos González.

Carlos González Delgado is a psychologist and President of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR) and speaks from the Atma Center in Cártama (Málaga).

Show broadcast date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Duration: 33 minutes and 6 seconds. Language: Spanish.