Interview with Doctor Cabouli for El Periódico de Catalunya in Basque language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli for El Periódico de Catalunya in Basque language.

Basque flag animated.We would like to inform you that the interview granted by the journalist Gaspar Hernández to Doctor José Luis Cabouli for the El Periódico de Catalunya newspaper, is now available in Basque language. We thank Iraide López de Gereñu for her good translation work.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque:

Jose Luis Cabouli: «Arima da gidaria; gorputza, ibilgailua» (José Luis Cabouli: “The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle”).
El Periodico de Catalunya. Asteazkena, 2008ko urriaren 8an.
Jose Luis Caboulik Iraganeko Bizitzen Terapia egiten iarduten du. Sendagilea da eta arimaren zirujaua. Berraragiztatzea badagoela onartzen du eta beste bizitzetan jasandako traumak dituzten pazienteekin egiten du lan (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Quotes from scholars by Doctor Weiss and An abortion case by Doctor Cabouli in Romanian language.

Quotes from scholars by Doctor Weiss and An abortion case by Doctor Cabouli in Romanian language.

Romanian flag animated.We would like to inform you that Romanian language internet users already have in their language the web page including the documents of Quotes from scholars case by Dr. Brian Weiss as well as that of An abortion Case, by Dr. José Luis Cabouli. In the latter, the image of a Bioelectrography (BEG) can be found, where the patient’s aura and the entities that live around her can be appreciated.

The mentioned entities tend to be consciousnesses of people who have died in their physical body, for whatever circumstances (such as suicide, traumatic death in an accident, hospital death,…), that have not followed the light at the time of death and that subsequently, go in search of energy food from the aura of a living person, where they are trapped. These entities parasitize the possessed person’s energy and can cause alterations in their behavior.

The therapist’s protocol is to ask the patient’s permission for the entities, one by one, to take control of their guest’s vocal cords in order to dialogue with the therapist. The therapist convinces them that that body is not theirs, that their own body is dead and that they must go towards the light after which they can follow the cycle of successive incarnations. Then the therapist helps the entity to invoke one or more consciousnesses that will help it to bring forth the light that will allow the entity to leave that body.

We thank Govor Marian Cosmin for her excellent translation work.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Monday, December 26, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link of newly translated pages to Romanian language:

Tipuri de karma, karma colectivă, faima, scopul și iertarea. Mesajele intelepților (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Prin corpul pacienților doctorului Brian Weiss supuși la regresie hipnotică, nu numai că poate fi accesat trecutul sufletului lor în căutarea unui eveniment traumatizant, dar pot interveni și suflete ale diferiților înțelepți sau maeștri pentru a-i transmite terapeutului explicații despre evoluția spirituală (…).
Doctor Brian Weiss. Only Love is Real (Numai Dragostea este Reală).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Cazul de avort. Terapia de posesiune spirituală (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
“BET (Bioenergoterapia) corespunde unei femei de 35 de ani care a pierdut o sarcină de trei luni în urma unui accident. Femeia s-a declarat speriată și vinovată pentru că accidentul s-a datorat imprudenței sale. BEG a fost obținuta în timpul ședinței de regresie chiar în momentul în care pacientul a exprimat următoarele: ‘În acest moment simt că bebelușul este în capul meu’ (…)”.
Imaginea lui BET: Raúl Torres. Din cartea Doctor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapia de posesiune spirituală. Tehnică și practică clinică). Editorial Indigo. Pagina 397.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Doctor Zenteno’s bibliography, Doctor Cabouli’s miscarriage case and mailing list page in Portuguese.

Doctor Zenteno’s bibliography, Doctor Cabouli’s miscarriage case and mailing list page in Portuguese.

Animated Portuguese flag.We would like to inform you that Internet users who use the Portuguese language already have at their disposal the pages with the summarized bibliography of Doctor Viviana Zenteno, the misscarriage case of Doctor José Luis Cabouli showing the image of a Bioelectrography (BEG), and the page informing and and allowing you to manage the use of mailing lists. We appreciate the good translation work offered to us by Simone de Souza.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Sunday, December 25, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the pages again available in Portuguese language:

Bibliografia da Doutora Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Caso de aborto. Terapia de posessão espiritual (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«A BEG (Bioelectrografía) corresponde a uma mulher de trinta e cinco anos que perdeu uma gestação de três meses como consequência de um acidente. A mulher sentia medo e culpa porque o acidente se origino de sua imprudência. A BEG foi obtida durante a sessão de regressão justo no momento em que a paciente expresso o seguinte: “Em este momento sinto que o bebé está dentro da minha cabeça”».
Imagen da BEG: Raúl Torres. Do livro do Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la Posesión Espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapia da possessão espiritual. Técnica e prática clínica). Editorial Índigo. Página 397.
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Listas de correios eletrônicos da web «Em corpo e alma» (Mail Lists Directory of the “At Body and Soul” web site).
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Talks with students. Graduate Cristina Oliva Antón (‘Cris’).

Talks with students. Graduate Cristina Oliva Antón (‘Cris’).

Speakers: Doctor José Luis Cabouli and Graduate Cristina Oliva Antón (“Cris”). Published in YouTube: Doctor Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas pasadas. Date of publication in YouTube: Sunday 19th September 2021. Length: 1 hour, 16 minutes and 7 seconds. Language: Spanish.


  • Beginning (0’00”).

  • How to invite people to become aware that this experience has to do with their soul? (1’35’’).

  • Inconsistency (9’16”).

  • The catch (10’51’’).

  • The light (12’37’’).

  • Traumatic experiences (15’56’’).

  • Recovery of the soul (21’11’’).

  • To improve our next coming (22’11’’).

  • Our purpose (25’30’’).

  • Death (30’16’’).

  • All incurable can be cured (36’57’’).

  • Fear (39’09’’).

  • This life has an end (41’24’’).

  • Authority (43’42’’).

  • How to keep company (45’13’’)

  • Feeling (49’25’’).

  • What do I feel I am feeling? (51’27’’).

  • What we don’t see (54’25’’).

Cris Oliva’s web (in Spanish):

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

The “In body and soul” web in Russian.

The “In body and soul” web in Russian.

Animated Russian flag.We inform you that we have created the first pages of the “In body and soul” web in Russian. We are thankful for this translation into the first language with a non-Latin alphabet in our web, carried out by Yana Vinokurova and Mariia Konysheva.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Friday, 16th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Links to the translated pages:

Цели (Aims).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Призыв (Call).

Призыв с сайта «Телом и душой» (A call from the «In body and soul» web).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Интервью (Interviews).

Брайан Вайс: «Мы-души, и мы переходим из тела в тело» (Brian Weiss: «We are souls going from one body to the next»).
Каталонская газета «El Periódico de Catalunya», среда 21 января 2009. Мнение. Страница 80.
Интервью с Брайаном Вайсом, психиатром, специализирующимся на регрессивной терапии. В Соединенных Штатах он принял около 4000 пациентов у которых есть воспоминания о прошлых жизнях (…).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Цитаты и отзывы (Appointments and testimonials).

Уважать людей в других условиях. Показания Эвелин (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Этот случай доктора Брайана Вайса относится к пациентке, которую здесь зовут Эвелин, и свидетельствует о необходимости научиться уважать людей, принадлежащих к чужому коллективу (…).
Доктор Брайан Вайс. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Одна и та же Душа, много тел).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Случай немедленной реинкарнации в семейной группе. Терапия прошлых жизней (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
Леопольдо Лаге, Мерло, Сан-Луис, Аргентина.
Марсела (45 лет) пришла на консультацию с целью избавиться от своей фобии собак. В течение нескольких лет двое ее сыновей, двенадцати и десяти лет, заявляли ей, что хотят завести домашнюю собаку, но Марсела боялась их до такой степени, что не могла гулять одна по своему району, в котором было много дворняг. Она хотела освободиться от этого настолько раздражающего страха, который заставлял ее занимать комичные позиции, когда она натыкалась на какую-нибудь собаку, независимо от ее размера и обстоятельств (…).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Спасибо (Thanks).

Благодарности (Gratefulness).

An interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Magazine Athanor in German.

An interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Magazine Athanor in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that the interview made to Doctor Brian Weiss, which was published by the magazine Athanor in 2002, has already been translated into German. Our thanks to the author of the translation.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Friday, 16th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

Rückkehr zum Frieden. Interview mit Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
<Athanor-Magazin. Nummer 35. September-Oktober 2002. Seiten 15-18.
Interviewer: Josep Agustín. Dolmetscherin: Loto Perrella. Fotografin: Natalia Campoy.
Mit sich selbst und damit mit allem im Reinen zu sein, ist die vielleicht begehrteste Zauberformel des Menschen. Beim Empfang durch Dr. Brian Weiss im Hotel und während des gesamten Interviews begleitete uns die Ruhe, gute Laune und aufmerksame Art dieser Person (…)“.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.

The cosmic credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Esperanto and Basque.We inform you that the short video “The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luis Cabouli is already available in two subtitled versions, that is in Esperanto and in Basque. We are thankful to Iraide López de Gereñu for her Basque translation, and to Alfons Tur García for his translation to the international language Esperanto.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Wednesday, 14th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Links to the new subtitled versions:

Animated Basque flag.

Jose Luis Cabouli doktorearen «Kreditu kosmikoa». Erdarazko hitzaldia euskaraz azpititulatuta (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Basque subtitles).
«“Bizitza jaio aurretik” Jose Luis Cabouli doktoreak 2020ko abuztuaren 29an, larunbata, Solerasko Areto Balioanitzean (Las Garrigues, Katalunia) emandako hitzaldiaren pasartea (…)».
«Odysee» argitaletxearen profila: Animaweb. Hitzaldiak euskaraz. «Odysee»n argitaratu zen eguna: Abenduaren, 2022ko asteazkena 14an. Bideoaren iraupena: 3 minutu eta 33 segundo. Hizkuntza: gaztelaniazko ahotsa euskarazko azpitituluekin.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Animated Esperanto flag.

«Kosma kredito» de D-ro José Luis Cabouli. Prelego en la hispana, subtekstoj en esperanto (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Esperanto subtitles).
«Ero de la prelego kies titolo estas “Vivo antaŭ naskiĝo” de D-ro José Luis Cabouli okazinta en la Pluruza Salono de Soleràs (Les Garrigues, Katalunio) la sabaton 29-an de aŭgusto de 2020 (…)».
Profilo de publikaĵo de «Odysée»: Animaweb. Prelegoj en esperanto. Dato de publikigo en «Odysée»: Lundo, la 12-an de decembro 2022. Daŭro de la filmo: 3 minutoj kaj 33 sekundoj. Lingvo: voĉo en la hispana kun subtekstoj en esperanto.
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.

Cosmic Credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Portuguese.

Cosmic Credit by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Portuguese.

Animated Portuguese flag.For internet Portuguese readers we have now available the subtitled video on “The cosmic credit“, an excerpt of the talk given by Doctor José Luis Cabouli on 29th August 2020 at Soleràs. For this translation we are grateful to Simone de Souza.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Monday, 12th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the video subtitled in English:

«O crédito cósmico» com Doutor José Luis Cabouli. Conferência en castellano subtitulada en português (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Portuguese subtitles).
<«Fragmento da conferencia titulada “a vida antes de nascer” o Doutor José Luis Cabouli celebrada na Sala Polivalente de Soleràs (Les Garrigues, Catalunya). Sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020 (…)».
Perfil de publicação de «Odysee»: Animaweb. Conferências em portugués. Data de publicação en «Odysee»: Domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2022. Duração do vídeo: 3 minutos e 33 segundos. Idioma: voz en castellano con subtítulos en portugués.
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.We inform you that Doctor Brian Weiss’ writing Understanding through experience is already available in Roumanian. We are thankful for this translation to Govor Marian Cosmin.

Team of the “In body and soul” web.
Thursday, December 8, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Roumanian translation:

Înțelegerea prin experiență (Understanding through experience).
Medicul de psihiatrie Brian Weiss povestește cercetările sale inițiale în căutarea referințelor la reîncarnare după primii pași în tehnica terapiei vieții trecute (…)“.
Doctorul Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing: Discovering the Power of Regression Therapy to Erase Trauma and Transform Mind (De-a lungul timpului: Descoperirea puterii terapiei de regresie pentru a șterge traumele și a transforma mintea, corpul și relațiile).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Animated Basque flag.We have at the disposal of Basque language speakers the Orpheus Evidence, a case of spiritual possession therapy led by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. We appreciate the good translation work carried out by Iraide López de Gereñu.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Basque language:

Orfeoren Testigantza. Jabetza espiritualaren terapia (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
«Hemen Orfeo izena hartzen duen gaixoa, aurreko bizitzan iluntasunarekin egindako ituna gainditu duen saio batetik atera da. Gaurko saioan, terapeutak gaixoarengan sartu ziren gorputzik gabeko entitate ezberdinen agerpena antzematen du, bere aurre egoera aprobetxatuz. Terapeutak antzemandako entitate horietako bakoitzarekin elkarrizketa bat mantentzen du Orfeoren gorputzaren bitartez, hauei Argiaren bidea aurkitzen laguntzen dielarik. Era honetan, bere ostalariak jasaten dituen nahasketatik askatzen dute, hauek ondorengo berargitaratze zikloak berreskura ditzaketelarik (…)».
Jose Luis Cabouli medikua. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Jabetze espiritualaren terapia. Teknika eta praktika klinikoa). Indigo Argitaletxea. 319tik 336ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.